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6 Steps Streamline Custom Software Development Process

March 15, 2024 by
  • Custom Solutions
  • Software Development

Custom Software Development controls our digital world where everything is done online. We need to follow a strict approach to maintain our software development life cycle (SDLC). You'll face the custom software whether you're shopping at the mall or booking your travel plans. Also, you can fill out paperwork for college, chances are you're doing it on your phone or computer. 

This means that custom software development has never been more critical to our society and economy. Software Development Processes have become increasingly complex. As a result, we struggle to innovate and evolve with increased pressure from global competition and growing customer demands. With this increased complexity, many companies struggle to streamline their software development process while staying within budget by not investing enough into custom software development projects and outsourcing work overseas. 

In this post, Kapsys will discusses:

  • What is the custom software development process?
  • What is the SDLC software development life cycle?
  • Why do we need a custom software development process?
  • Ways to improve our custom software
  • What are some benefits of using a software development life cycle (SDLC)?
  • How does software development life cycle (SDLC) improve custom software?

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What is the custom software development process? 

The process is a sequential set of steps. It describes how the final product will be built from start to finish. A project manager or business analyst can use these steps to guide them through the planning, execution, and delivery stages of building your custom software application. There are many different processes, but they all have one thing in common: increased efficiency and reduced costs.

What is the SDLC software development life cycle? 

The software development life cycle (SDLC) is an approach to building and maintaining successful custom software applications. It's a structured series of steps involving planning, designing, coding, testing, and deploying your product before launching. This cycle ensures you get a high-quality, bug-free application that meets your requirements and budget.

Why do we need a custom software development process? 

  • The ability to plan out each step of the process before beginning work on it ensures there is no overlap or wasted human resources.
  • Having documentation for how you want your custom software project built means you can communicate your expectations to the development team. So, everyone is on the same page regarding what's being built, how long it will take, and how much you will pay for each step.
  • The development process can be used as a guideline for project managers looking to manage custom software projects or business analysts who need help defining their requirements. It also gives custom software development companies a solid foundation to work from when building their product.
  • The testing phase is perhaps an essential part of any software project. This is where you discover and fix bugs before customers or employees test the finished version.

Ways to improve our custom software

  • Use a software development process to define your requirements; this will make it easier for the custom software development team.
  • Include business analysts or project managers in your planning meetings. They will work through each stage of building out your product before coding begins.
  • Make sure you have weekly status updates with everyone working on developing your custom application. Then, you can avoid problems before they arise.
  • Have a clear-cut budget for each step of the process. Also, ensure everyone is aware of it, so there are no surprises when launching your product.

Let's take a closer look at each step of the SLDC process and how it contributes to software development.


The planning phase is all about research and documenting your business requirements. Before getting started, you should set your plan, including; your deadline, the available budget to invest in the development process, and the target audience for your product. If any required changes after completing this step, it will slow down the entire process. At Kapsys, we plan meticulously to ensure the end product is tailor-made to suit your preferences. Planning helps in the streaming of the software in that it helps in reducing the development budget and ensuring the software developers work within a specified range.


Once the planning phase is complete, we can start building your custom software application. The analysis step involves taking what you've gathered from the previous actions and breaking it down into smaller components like features, wireframes, and design. At this stage, our Kapsys analysts will work directly with customers to identify any required changes before beginning development.

How does analysis help in the overall streaming of the custom software?

The analysis reduces the cost and time by ensuring that you understand the features clearly before development begins.


After analysis, we can begin designing your application's user interface (UI) and incorporating any changes from previous steps into a single design document to hand off for coding. This is a good chance for developers to get involved before production begins. We can also start building wireframes (a series of sketches outlining each screen) to become the UI design documents. Both customers and developers must have a clear understanding of the design before moving forward. Design helps stream by communicating with customers about their requirements and clarifying any changes needed, thus reducing time wastage associated with software creation.


The implementation phase is where you turn all design documents into code. The actual coding of each feature begins here, including development and quality assurance (QA) testing. Depending on what you're trying to build, this step can be very time-consuming, so customers must provide precise requirements before beginning this stage. At this stage, Kapsys software developers will begin building your custom application using programming languages like Java or .Net to develop a fully functional user interface that looks and works as expected by customers. Once you complete the coding process, you'll have access to an alpha version of your product. Then, we can use and test it for any bugs or problems that need to resolve before continuing.

How does the implementation phase help in streamlining software evolution?

The implementation helps stream software development by ensuring no bugs and problems do not exist during coding. Thus, reducing time wastage associated with bug fixes. 


For you to receive a high-quality final product from our custom developers, software must undergo multiple testing rounds. Quality assurance (QA) testers are responsible for verifying the work completed by our custom developers. In addition, they ensure it meets all requirements defined in planning and analysis. Our QA team will look at each screen, feature, or function manually and run automated tests before reporting on any bugs or usability problems that need fixing. This step is critical in custom software development, where it's easy for even the slightest change to introduce an issue, so our QA team will work closely with you throughout every testing stage!

How does quality assurance help in overall streaming?

Quality Assurance helps streamline software development by testing for bugs or usability issues introduced to ensure that the final product is of high quality.


Our software developers will begin preparing your custom software application for release and rollout to production in the deployment stage. That can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the update size you need. This step is where we'll prepare your software for release and work with you to choose the best time and method of deployment. The goal is to ensure that you thoroughly test everything, so users face minimal downtime or bugs when using it in a live environment. This step also helps our developers learn more about how customers use your software to develop future updates more effectively. Deployment helps overall streaming by reducing downtime and ensuring minimal bugs when using the custom software for the first time. Thus, saving on support costs associated with fixing bugs after production release.


Once you release your custom solution to production, our developers will begin working on post-deployment updates and maintenance. During this phase, we'll work with you to resolve any issues that may arise from the initial release of your product. We will also look at new feature requests or other changes requested by customers. Additionally, our developers will monitor your product's overall performance. We will also ensure that any new updates are compatible with the software you have built. Maintenance helps streaming overall by ensuring no downtime or related bugs after release. Thus, it reduces the support costs to fix issues when using the custom software for the first time. This step is essential for overall streaming. It ensures that customers get the total value of their software. It also helps to reduce the cost of fixing bugs after deployment.

What are some benefits of using a software development life cycle (SDLC)?

It is essential for efficient software development. It ensures that all the steps are completed quickly, thus, reducing the time and cost of fixing bugs after release. Read Custom Software Vs. Off-the-Shelf Software

Other benefits include 

  • A typical jargon for each progression
  • Characterized correspondence channels between improvement groups and partners
  • Straightforward jobs and obligations among engineers, planners, business investigators, and venture administrators
  • Unmistakably characterized sources of info and yields starting with one stage and then onto the next.
  • A deterministic "meaning of done" can be utilized to affirm whether a stage is finished.

Read more about benefits here: 6 Benefits of Small Business Custom Software Development

How does the SDLC improve custom software? 

  • It improves by ensuring each step is completed on schedule to reduce overall costs while still delivering a high-quality final product.

If you are looking for competent software developers, Kapsys covers you. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your software development needs. You may find the What does the Custom Software Development cost? is useful.