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Custom Software Benefits for Small Businesses

March 1, 2024 by
  • Custom Solutions
  • Software Development

Custom software development benefits are multiple, and the custom software providers are trying to adapt to market changes that never stop. Companies are racing with time to provide for the requirements and needs of the audience. Custom software development companies must follow a specific approach that is more comprehensive, an analysis of the target audience and a detailed study of their needs to offer custom software for small businesses. Simply, the small businesses won't spend their money on poorly researched custom software and won't have the space to make such a mistake because the possibility of their small business crashing before it starts will increase with this risk.

Many of today's off-the-shelf software solutions try hard to find ways to solve the users' problems. However, only a customized software solution meets the company's requirements. Read Custom Software Vs. Off-the-Shelf Software

Here are 3 Things To Concern While Picking Software Development For Small Business

There are some key things to consider when choosing between packaged solutions and custom software development. Specifically, you need to know the answer to the following three main questions.

Does an off-the-shelf solution meet your needs?

If the available solutions in the market currently or that you own meet your business requirements and your company's needs, then this may be the most suitable solution for you. But if they don't, maybe it's time to find new advanced software. 

How much time do you have?

It would be best if you determined well how urgent you are to get the software solution for your company. Custom software takes a lot of time to set up and cannot be rushed. A custom software development goes through several stages:

  • Collection of information and analysis (consulting)
  • Project design and engineering (create an application or prototype for the platform)
  • Development (MVP Build)
  • Testing
  • Debugging
  • Launch
  • Maintenance
  • Improvement.

It is impossible to skip any of these steps, as skipping any of them can cause many troubles in the future. Thus, Off-the-shelf software may be more suitable for you if you do not have enough time, but you must know how to deal with its shortcomings.

How does the custom software development cost, and what’s your budget?

You need to know the cost of the customized software before proceeding. It may cost you a lot; however, it varies from one company to another. The costs of off-the-shelf solutions may be less than customized solutions, but this is in the short term only. The problems of the off-the-shelf solutions appear in the long term, and you will need to spend a lot of money to fix these problems. This low cost may be tempting for small businesses at first, but if you think carefully, this can be a costly option in the future. 


How does Custom Software Development Benefits Small Businesses?

The software solution should meet your business needs to facilitate achieving your goals. It would help you if you discovered the custom software development benefits that can enhance your business first. 

Meet specific needs of your business

One of the main benefits of custom software development for small businesses is that it perfectly fits your business needs because it is designed just for you. However, each company has distinct features that must be considered. The developers at Kapsys make a deep analysis of the needs of your business or project idea, find out all the necessary details that will shorten the path towards your goals, take into account the specifics of the industry or your business niche, and perform a risk analysis.

Reduce costs in a Long-term perspective

In small businesses, cost and expense issues are at the top of the list when choosing software solutions. However, in the short term, you may find that off-the-shelf software is the cheapest and most economical software solution. Off-the-shelf solutions provide many features, but you'll find most of them are useless for your business and industry because they are designed to serve all industries and reach the largest possible audience without discrimination. Investing in custom software development will generate profit and competitive benefits for your business in the long run. The custom software development process requires more time and money but brings more benefits from a long-term perspective. Enrich your knowledge with more information about The Benefits Of Custom Software Development

Scalable and fully customizable

Scalability is one of the most valuable benefits of custom software development. Unfortunately, choosing one of the off-the-shelf software means you'll get limited benefits and functions because they are already there by default, and you won't get any new benefits until the solution provider company decides to update it. Over time, you'll need to add new benefits to your software to align with your business needs, which is very easy to do with custom software development for small businesses.

Automate daily routine tasks

Automating your daily tasks at your business is the shortest way to enhance user service and boost employee productivity and company revenues. Using off-the-shelf software solutions may help you solve this problem at the beginning, but in the long term, you will find that it is an impractical solution and that you are using it as an analgesic and not a treatment. Expanding and developing your business needs extensive and well-developed software. Therefore, choosing the right custom software for small businesses is a thoroughly efficient choice because it can be created just for your future growth and expansion. Utilizing custom software development benefits for small businesses will boost your business expansion.

Provide better protection from external security threats

If you use off-the-shelf software, you double your risks, as you face the risk of cyber attacks directed at your company directly, in addition to cyber attacks directed at the primary provider of an off-the-shelf solution. For example, cybercriminals may target specific industries to obtain information about them. Those industries may be out of your industry, but your company's existence within the scope of the off-the-shelf software used by companies in the target industry will put you at risk. Therefore, data protection is just as important, even if your company is in a different sector. Custom software for small businesses provides more robust tools and data protection against cyber threats. There are several benefits of software for small businesses that reduce the risk of cyber attacks:

  • It is not publicly available, and
  • Special security codes and encryption are used.
  • Your data is under a secure lock with a tailored solution.

In contrast, in off-the-shelf software, source code is more accessible to crack than a custom solution.

Get support, maintenance and assistance as long as you need

The immediate support, maintenance and assistance as needed is a significant benefit of custom software development for small businesses. It may significantly affect your decision positively to acquire custom software. As your business grows, so will the concerns and issues that require ongoing support services to solve. Customized software development companies provide frequent and ongoing support and maintenance for the best service. While support procedures in off-the-shelf solutions usually take 48 hours, which can be critical for small businesses. Moreover, if your off-the-shelf software provider stops providing support suddenly, there is not much you can do about it.

Custom Software Development Benefits: Conclusion

To achieve the right results and secure a solid return, there are several points that business owners must bear in mind. In most cases, small businesses do not have the resources to handle a project like this in-house. Custom software development facilitates conversions and builds customer loyalty. Furthermore, your small business benefits from custom software development with a precise goal and clear scope. Kapsys provides custom software development for small businesses with all benefits to achieve business goals. Here are additional 6 Benefits of Small Business Custom Software Development.