How To Avoid Zoom Fatigue in 2022
- Remote Work

If you've ever felt like you were living inside an episode of Black Mirror, you might suffer from zoom fatigue. This is when you and your remote team spend so much time on the internet that you lose touch with the real world. As a result, you start to become isolated from friends and family, and you even begin to lose interest in things that once made you happy. Working from home has many advantages, but there are also drawbacks. One of those drawbacks is that working remotely can cause fatigue via virtual meetings. In this article, Kapsys will explain what is Zoom fatigue and its symptoms, how to avoid Zoom Fatigue and give you the zoom fatigue tips.
What is Zoom Fatigue?
Zoom fatigue is a known emotion of mental exhaustion caused by frequent video conferencing. The term "Zoom fatigue" is based on "Zoom Application," but it can occur on any video-conferencing platform.
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What Causes Zoom Fatigue?
There are many causes of the Zoom fatigue, including;
- An extreme dose of intense close-up eye contact in video chats
- Less mobility, suffering from a lack of usual mobility
- An always “on” and awake brain
- The self-view, seeing yourself talking to your remote team, might be stressful.
Thus, Zoom attendees also bear a more severe cognitive load, contributing to Zoom fatigue.
So, Why Do You Have Zoom Fatigue?
There are several reasons why you might feel like you're living inside a bubble of weirdness; everything around you is odd and doesn’t make sense to you.
- One reason is that you're spending too much time online.
- Another reason is that you're not taking care of yourself.
If you're feeling stressed, tired, or depressed, you need to take better care of yourself.
Do you have Zoom Meeting Fatigue? What is Zoom Fatigue Symptoms?
How can you be sure if you have Zoom fatigue? Zoom fatigue symptoms aren't all in your head. According to a Stanford University research study, it's not just Zoom. Popular video chat platforms have design flaws that exhaust the human mind and body.
Feeling exhausted or burnt out
One of the most significant symptoms of Zoom fatigue is feeling exhausted and drained after your Zoom calls.
Constantly rescheduling video calls
If your remote team asks to email them instead of virtual meetings, they may be experiencing Zoom fatigue.
Coworkers that always keep their cameras off
If your remote coworkers keep the camera off during a meeting, they may be experiencing Zoom fatigue.
How Does Zoom Fatigue Affect Your Business?
If you're not taking care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of others. As a result, you'll feel tired, stressed, and unfocused. This will affect how you work with clients, colleagues, and customers. In addition, you'll also be less productive at home. However, there're Zoom fatigue solutions.
How To Get Over Zoom Anxiety?
First, you need to identify the source of your anxiety. For example, according to a recent survey of 2,066 U.K. residents working from home, 73 percent reported experiencing Zoom anxiety. These findings are supported by Google, with a 180% increase in U.K. residents searching for the term 'Zoom Anxiety' between March and November of this year. Also, the survey determined which tasks are the most powerful Zoom triggers anxiety.
- Presenting – 42%
- Interviews – 25%
- Client meetings – 18%
- Team catch ups – 15%
Of course, these tasks can be stressful in traditional work, but having to do them remotely via virtual meetings can add extra pressure that you don't need to. However, there are some tips to avoid zoom fatigue as follows:
Tips on How to Avoid Zoom Fatigue:
Here are some tips to avoid Zoom fatigue, including;
Avoid multitasking
Multitasking is not only bad for productivity in virtual meetings but can also lead to stress and burnout. If you need to do more than one thing at once, try to focus on just one task at a time.
Switch off the Zoom self-view!
You might think having access to all your coworkers and clients 24/7 is a good thing, but it can cause you to feel overwhelmed and stressed out. So instead, switch off the zoom self-view and use screen sharing instead. This will allow you to see what everyone else sees, but without being able to interact with them.
Create an agenda before each Zoom meeting
If you’re overwhelmed by the number of meetings you need to attend, try creating an agenda beforehand. It will help you focus on the essential items and ensure you don’t miss anything, working from home is not easy!
Don't let people talk over one another
You should also consider using zoom as a tool to keep everyone informed. This means that others can see what you’re saying when you're talking. However, if you’re not careful, you might be talked over. To avoid this, use zoom so that you can hear yourself speak. Also, you can leverage many custom software development companies to get customized software that is tailored just for you and meets your requirements.
Take breaks during meetings
Take a break; if you’re overwhelmed by many people who need to be included in a meeting. It will help you focus better and make sure you can contribute effectively.
Conclusion of How to Avoid Virtual Meetings Fatigue
Video calls fatigue is when you are so busy working from home on projects that you don't have time to take care of yourself. When you're constantly working on projects for long hours, you may feel like you're always running behind schedule. In addition, it's easy to forget about yourself, and when you're constantly in virtual meetings with your remote team, you may be neglecting other important aspects of your life. Also, you might even be feeling stressed out or exhausted. Kapsys would like to explain why you should stop working so hard and how to avoid Zoom fatigue!