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Tips For A Faster Website Optimizing Vercel Speed

February 21, 2024 by
  • User Experience
Vercel Speed

In the digital age, the performance of your website plays a pivotal role in user experience. As businesses and developers strive to keep their sites' speed optimal, platforms like Vercel have become increasingly popular. However, to truly tap into the potential of Vercel speed, it's essential to understand performance optimization techniques. Let's delve deep into some actionable strategies to optimize Varcel speed with Kapsys.

Why Vercel Speed Matters?

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, website speed is not just a luxury but a necessity. As platforms like Vercel gain traction among developers and businesses, it becomes crucial to understand the significance of Vercel speed. Here's why it's a game-changer:

Top Tips To Enhance Vercel Speed

User Experience is Crucial 

  • Instant Gratification: Modern web users are accustomed to quick results. A delay of even a few seconds can lead to frustration, causing visitors to abandon your website.
  • Engagement: Faster sites encourage users to engage more. Whether reading articles, shopping, or browsing, a smooth experience ensures users stay longer and interact more with your content.
  • Conversions: For e-commerce platforms and businesses, speed directly impacts the bottom line. A faster website can lead to higher conversion rates, ensuring visitors don't drop off during buying.

SEO and Visibility

  • Ranking Factor: Search engines, notably Google, have clarified that site speed is a ranking factor. A faster site can improve your position in search results, leading to more organic traffic.
  • Mobile Search: With a significant chunk of users now searching via mobile devices, speed becomes even more crucial. Slow loading times on mobile can drastically reduce your website's visibility in mobile search results.

Technological Advantages

  • Serverless Architecture: Vercel's strength lies in its serverless architecture. Optimizing for Vercel speed ensures you're maximizing this modern infrastructure's benefits.
  • Scalability: A focus on Vercel speed prepares your website for scalability. As your traffic grows, a well-optimized site on Vercel can handle the increase without hiccups.

Competitive Edge

In competitive business environments, every edge counts. A site optimized for Vercel speed can set you apart from competitors, offering visitors a superior experience and giving them a reason to return.

Cost Efficiency

Optimizing for speed can also have financial benefits. Faster sites can handle more users with less server strain. This can translate to lower infrastructure costs in the long run, especially on cloud platforms that bill based on resource usage.

Top Tips To Enhance Vercel Speed


Vercel has made a mark in the development world for its serverless deployment and hosting capabilities. Speed optimization should be at the forefront when making the most of Vercel’s platform. Here are some actionable strategies to bolster your website's performance on Vercel:

1. Optimize Images and Media

  • Choose the Right Format: Depending on the use-case, opt for modern formats like WebP which offer good compression without sacrificing quality.
  • Use Image CDNs: Cloudinary or imgix can automatically serve optimized images based on the user’s device and network conditions.

2. Minimize and Optimize Code

  • Minify JS, CSS, and HTML: Use tools like Terser (for JavaScript) or cssnano (for CSS) to reduce the size of your codebase.
  • Remove Unused Code: Tools like PurgeCSS can help eliminate unused CSS, ensuring users don’t load unnecessary styles.

3. Use Serverless Functions Judiciously

  • Optimize Function Execution: Ensure that your serverless functions are efficient in execution time and resource usage.
  • Avoid Cold Starts: While Vercel minimizes cold starts, being mindful of how often functions are called can improve response times.

4. Implement Caching Strategies

  • Utilize Vercel’s Edge Network: Vercel automatically caches your output at the edge, reducing the need to recompute repetitive operations.
  • Custom Cache Headers: Set appropriate cache-control headers to control how your content is cached.

5. Reduce Third-party Dependencies

  • Limit Third-party Scripts: Each external script can introduce latency. Evaluate if each tool or script is essential and load them asynchronously.
  • Bundle Dependencies: Instead of multiple small modules, bundle them into larger chunks to reduce the number of requests.

6. Opt for Static When Possible

  • Pre-render Pages: Instead of rendering content on-the-fly, use static site generation features to pre-render pages. This results in rapid page loads.

7. Dive into Splitting and Lazy Loading

  • Code Splitting: Break your JavaScript into smaller chunks using dynamic imports, ensuring users only load the code necessary for the current view.
  • Lazy Load Assets: Use techniques or libraries  react-lazyload to load images, components, or modules only when they’re needed or when they enter the viewport.

8. Prioritize Critical Loading Path

  • Above-the-fold Content: Prioritize loading content visible to users first, and delay the loading of offscreen content.

9. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

  • Leverage Vercel’s Built-in CDN: Vercel already offers a powerful CDN. Ensure you're making the most of it by properly setting up your project.

10. Regular Monitoring and Auditing

  • Use Performance Tools: Regularly audit your site's performance using tools like Google Lighthouse or WebPageTest to identify areas of improvement.
  • Stay Updated: Vercel and the web ecosystem are constantly evolving. Keep an eye on updates that can influence performance.
Why Vercel Speed Matters

Monitoring and Continuous Optimization

Optimizing Vercel speed isn't a one-time task. It requires continuous effort.

Use Performance Monitoring Tools

Regularly monitor your website's performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse. These tools provide insights into areas of improvement.

Stay Updated with Vercel’s Features

Vercel continually rolls out updates and features aimed at boosting performance. Stay abreast with these updates to ensure you're always leveraging the platform's full potential.


Optimizing your website's performance on Vercel speed is crucial in today's fast-paced digital world. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, the tips above can significantly enhance your site's speed, ensuring a delightful user experience and boosting SEO. Remember, continuous monitoring and optimization are key. Dive in, optimize, and watch your website fly!