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Content Management Workflow For Large Teams In Kontent.ai

April 11, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience
content management workflow

Managing a large team and ensuring smooth operations can be challenging in the fast-paced digital content creation world. Kontent.ai, as a leading Content Management System (CMS), offers robust solutions for teams looking to streamline their content management workflow. 

Join Kapsys as we explore the best practices for optimizing content management workflow for large teams in Kontent.ai, focusing on managing content and maintaining high productivity levels efficiently.


What is Content Management Process

The content management workflow encompasses collecting, managing, and publishing information in any form or medium. When applied to web content management, the process involves creating, managing, and delivering content (text, images, video, audio) to an audience via the web. 


It's a cycle that ensures content is current, relevant, and engaging to its intended audience. This process is integral to content management systems (CMS), which provide the tools and infrastructure for multiple content creators to manage and publish content.

content management process

How Content Management Workflow Looks Like

Before diving into how Kontent.ai can revolutionize content management for large teams, let's first grasp the fundamental aspects of the content management workflow:


This initial stage involves setting clear objectives for what the content should achieve, identifying the target audience, and determining the most effective content type. Planning also includes devising a content strategy, which outlines the topics to be covered, the tone and style of the content, and the channels through which it will be published.


Content creators produce content based on the plan and strategy during this phase. This can involve writing articles, creating videos, designing graphics, or generating any other type of content. The creation process often requires research, collaboration, and various tools and technologies to create high-quality content.


Once created, content needs to be stored in an organized manner that allows for easy access and management. This is where a content management workflow comes in handy, offering a centralized repository for all content. Proper storage involves categorizing and tagging content to make it searchable and retrievable for future use.

Workflow and management

Workflow refers to the series of steps that content goes through before publication, including review, approval, and, potentially, revision. Management oversees the entire content lifecycle, ensuring that content creation aligns with the overall content strategy and adheres to quality standards.


After content is created, reviewed, and approved, it can be published. Publishing involves making the content available to the target audience through the chosen channels. This could be on a website, through social media platforms, email newsletters, or other distribution channels.


Beyond simply publishing content, distribution involves actively promoting content to reach a wider audience. This can include SEO (Search Engine Optimization), social media marketing, email marketing, and other tactics to drive traffic to the content.

Performance analysis

After publishing content, tracking its performance is essential. This involves analyzing page views, engagement, and conversion rates. The insights gained from this analysis can inform future content strategy and creation, allowing organizations to improve their content's effectiveness continually.

Maintenance and optimization

The content management workflow is cyclical, not linear. Based on performance analysis, content may need to be updated, optimized, or removed. This ensures that all content remains accurate, relevant, and engaging over time.

Introducing Kontent.ai

Kontent.ai is a cloud-based content management platform designed to address the unique needs of large teams, offering a host of features and capabilities to streamline the content management workflow.

  • Centralized Content Repository: Kontent.ai provides a centralized repository for storing all content assets, eliminating fragmentation and ensuring easy access for team members.

  • Structured Content Modeling: With Kontent.ai's structured content modeling capabilities, teams can define content types, elements, and relationships, enabling consistent content creation and channel management.

  • Workflow Automation: Kontent.ai automates repetitive tasks within the content management workflow, such as content review and approval workflows, reducing manual intervention and accelerating content delivery.

  • Version Control and Audit Trails: Kontent.ai offers robust version control features, allowing teams to track changes, revert to previous versions, and maintain an audit trail of content revisions.

  • Real-time Collaboration: Built-in collaboration tools enable real-time communication and collaboration among team members, fostering a culture of transparency and efficiency.

  • Scalability and Flexibility: Kontent.ai's cloud-based architecture ensures scalability and flexibility, allowing teams to adapt and grow without worrying about infrastructure limitations.

Read: Features In Kontent.ai: What's New In 2024?


Challenges Faced by Large Teams

For large teams handling a high volume of content, several challenges can arise within the content management workflow:

Workflow bottlenecks

One of the primary issues large teams face is workflow bottlenecks, especially in manual content review and approval processes. These bottlenecks can significantly delay content publication, affecting the timely achievement of content goals and marketing objectives.

Version control issues

In a content management workflow with multiple contributors that edit and update the same pieces of content without a robust system, version control issues can occur. This leads to confusion over which version is the most current and can result in the loss of critical updates or edits, undermining content quality.

Collaboration barriers

Collaboration tools need to be centralized to ensure effective communication among team members. When collaboration is hindered, it slows down the content creation process and affects the consistency and quality of the content produced.

Content fragmentation

Storing content across various systems and platforms without proper integration or centralization can lead to fragmentation. This fragmentation makes it challenging to manage, retrieve, and reuse content efficiently, resulting in duplicated efforts and inconsistent content experiences.

Scalability issues

Traditional content management systems often need help to scale with the growing demands of large teams. As the volume of content and the number of team members increase, these systems may not provide the necessary features or capacity to support efficient content management and collaboration.


Read: How Kontent.ai Streamlines Content Collaboration and Workflow Management

Implementing Kontent.ai in Your Content Management Workflow

Integrating Kontent.ai into your content management workflow is a strategic decision that can benefit your organization significantly. Here's how to get started:

Assess your current workflow

Begin by thoroughly evaluating your existing content management workflow. This assessment will highlight the areas where Kontent.ai can make the most impact, such as improving collaboration, streamlining the approval process, or enhancing content personalization.

Define content models

Collaborate with your team to establish content types, structures, and relationships that support your content strategy and align with your organizational goals. This foundational step ensures that your content architecture in Kontent.ai is scalable and adaptable.

Onboard team members

Organize comprehensive training sessions that cover the platform's capabilities, best practices, and how it integrates into your daily workflows. Support from Kontent.ai in the form of documentation, tutorials, and customer support can be invaluable during this phase.

Implement automation

Take advantage of Kontent.ai's robust automation features to enhance your content management workflow efficiency. Automate repetitive tasks such as content tagging, review notifications, and publishing schedules. Your team can focus on strategic activities and creative content creation by reducing manual efforts.

Monitor and iterate

Solicit feedback from your team on their experiences and any challenges they encounter. Use this feedback and performance data to iterate and refine your processes. Kontent.ai's analytics and reporting tools can provide valuable insights into workflow efficiencies, content performance, and areas for optimization.

Leverage integrations

Kontent.ai offers extensive integration capabilities with other tools and platforms, such as SEO tools, digital asset management systems, and marketing automation platforms. By integrating these tools with Kontent.ai, you can create a more cohesive and robust content ecosystem.

Focus on scalability

Kontent.ai's modular content approach and flexible architecture mean that your content models and workflows can scale and evolve with your organization. Regularly review your content strategy and Kontent.ai set up to ensure they remain aligned and capable of supporting your growth.

Read: Is Kontent.ai Right For Your Business? Exploring Use Cases

Additional Best Practises for Content Management Workflow

Here are additional best practices to consider:

  • Standardize Content Creation Guidelines: Establishing clear, standardized guidelines for content creation helps maintain consistency in tone, style, and quality across all content. These guidelines should cover writing styles, branding elements, and the use of images and multimedia, ensuring all team members produce content that aligns with your brand's identity.

  • Implement a Robust Content Calendar: A detailed content calendar is crucial for content management workflow across all platforms. It should include key dates, topics, responsible team members, and publication channels. This tool helps avoid last-minute rushes and ensures a steady stream of content.

  • Leverage Content Templates: Templates for common types of content can streamline the creation process and ensure consistency. Templates can save time and help maintain a unified brand voice for blog posts, emails, or social media updates.

  • Adopt an Agile Content Creation Process: An agile approach allows teams to be more responsive and adaptable in their content creation. Short, iterative cycles of content development followed by feedback and revisions can lead to more relevant and engaging content.

managed content


Effective content management workflow drives engagement, builds brand loyalty, and achieves business objectives in today's digital landscape. For large teams facing the complexities of content creation, collaboration, and distribution, Kontent.ai offers a comprehensive solution that streamlines workflows, enhances collaboration, and enables scalable content management.

By harnessing the power of Kontent.ai, organizations can unlock new levels of efficiency, agility, and innovation in their content management workflow, ensuring sustained success in a competitive market.

Keep up with Kapsys to learn all about the leading CMS and much more!