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How To Build Content Calendars in Kontent.ai: Planning and Scheduling Content

March 8, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience
content calendars

As the demand for engaging and relevant content continues to rise, the need for robust content management solutions becomes imperative. That's how content calendars come into play. 

Join Kapsys as we explore the intricacies of Kontent.ai and delve into the art of building content calendars for strategic content planning.

To understand content calendars, it's crucial to check out what Kontent.ai is and why it has become a go-to solution for content management.



What is Kontent.ai?

Kontent.ai is a cutting-edge content management platform that facilitates seamless collaboration, streamlines workflows and enhances overall content efficiency. It is a centralized hub for creating, managing, and delivering content across various channels, ensuring a consistent and engaging user experience.


Kontent.ai is a go-to solution for content management and creating compelling content calendars. 

Read: Benefits Of Using Kontent.ai As A Content Management Solution

The Essence of Content Calendars

Content calendars are the backbone of any successful content strategy. They visually represent your content plan, helping you stay organized and consistent in your messaging. 

Whether you're a small business, a content creator, or a marketing professional, having well-structured content calendars is crucial for maximizing the impact of your content.

Benefits Planning Content with Kontent.ai

Kontent.ai already gained love and proved to be a very convenient platform. Let's break down the benefits of building content calendars with Kontent.ai:

User-friendly interface

user-friendly interface is one of the standout features of Kontent.ai and its content calendars. 

Navigating the platform is intuitive, making it easy for beginners and experienced users to harness its power. The dashboard provides a clear overview of your content, making planning efficient and enjoyable.

Collaborative workspaces

Content creation is often a collaborative effort involving multiple team members with diverse skill sets. 

Kontent.ai excels in fostering collaboration through its collaborative workspaces. Team members can seamlessly contribute to content creation and content calendars management, ensuring that every piece aligns with the overall strategy.

Content modeling for precision

Content modeling is a game-changer when it comes to planning content effectively. Kontent.ai allows users to create and define content models, ensuring consistency and precision across all pieces of content. This feature enhances the planning process and maintains a cohesive brand identity.

Dynamic content types

Kontent.ai recognizes the diverse nature of content across different platforms and channels. 

With dynamic content types, users can tailor their content for specific audiences and media, optimizing the impact of their messages. This flexibility is invaluable when planning content calendars that cater to various platforms.

Multichannel publishing

Comprehensive content calendars should consider the diverse channels through which content is disseminated. 

Kontent.ai supports multichannel publishing, allowing users to seamlessly plan and schedule content across websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms. This feature is instrumental in creating a well-rounded content strategy.

Read: How To Migrate Your CMS With Kontent.ai?

Step-by-step Process for Building Content Calendars

Building content calendars in Kontent.ai involves several actionable steps. Follow this step-by-step guide to create compelling content calendars tailored to your content strategy:

Step 1: Log in to Kontent.ai

Access your Kontent.ai account by logging in to the platform using your credentials. If you don't have an account, sign up for one to get started.

Step 2: Define your content goals

Before diving into Kontent.ai and content calendars, clearly understand your content goals. Define the type of content you want to create, the channels you'll use, and your overall content strategy.

Step 3: Navigate to the "Content Models" section

In Kontent.ai, content models define the structure of your content. Navigate to the "Content Models" section in the dashboard.

Step 4: Create content models

Create content models that align with your content strategy. Define the necessary elements and structures for each content type. This step ensures consistency in your content, a crucial aspect of effective content planning.

Step 5: Explore collaborative workspaces

Collaboration is critical in content creation. Explore and set up collaborative workspaces within Kontent.ai. Assign roles and permissions to team members, fostering efficient teamwork.

Step 6: Utilize dynamic content types

For practical content calendars, consider the platforms you'll be using for content distribution. Leverage dynamic content types in Kontent.ai to tailor your content for different channels. This ensures your content is versatile and resonates with your audience across various platforms.

Read: How To Structure Content Using Taxonomies In Kontent.ai For Better Categorization?

what is kontent.ai

Step 7: Plan multichannel publishing

Navigate to the multichannel publishing feature in Kontent.ai. Plan your content distribution across multiple channels and ensure your content calendars accommodate each platform's requirements.

Step 8: Access the calendar view

Head to the "Calendar" view in Kontent.ai. This feature visually represents your content schedule, making managing and adjusting content timelines easy.

Step 9: Schedule automated publishing

In content calendars, take advantage of Kontent.ai's automated publishing workflow. Schedule specific dates and times for your content to go live. This automation saves time and ensures your content reaches your audience optimally.

Step 10: Track content versions

As you plan your content calendars, be mindful of content versions. Utilize Kontent.ai's versioning feature to track changes and iterations. This ensures that your calendar reflects your content's latest and most polished versions.

Step 11: Preview content before publishing

Maintain quality control by previewing your content before publishing. Kontent.ai provides a content preview feature, allowing you to visualize how your content will appear across different channels.

Step 12: Integrate analytics tools

For data-driven decision-making, integrate Kontent.ai with analytics tools. This integration provides insights into how your content is performing, enabling you to refine and optimize your content strategy.

Following these actionable steps, you can build robust content calendars in Kontent.ai, setting the foundation for a successful content strategy. Regularly revisit and adjust your calendar based on performance analytics and evolving business goals. 

Read: Kontent.ai Webhooks With Serverless Functions: Real-Time Content Updates


Troubleshooting is essential to any content creation process, and building content calendars in Kontent.ai is no exception. Here's a guide to help you troubleshoot common issues that may arise during the content calendars creation process:

Content model configuration issues

Sometimes, in content calendars, content models are not displaying as expected.

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Review your content model configurations to ensure all necessary elements are defined.

  • Check for any validation errors or missing information.

  • Verify that the content model is published and not in draft mode.

  • Collaborate with team members to identify any discrepancies in the model.

Multichannel publishing issues

What if content is not publishing correctly across multiple channels?

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Verify that you've configured multichannel publishing settings accurately.

  • Ensure your content adheres to the specifications of each channel.

  • Double-check scheduling settings for each channel.

  • Review any error messages or logs related to publishing failures.

Calendar view problems

Are you unable to view or manage the content calendars?

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Check your permissions to ensure you have access to the calendar view.

  • Confirm that your content is scheduled correctly and there are no overlapping events.

  • Refresh the page or try accessing the calendar view from a different browser.

  • Contact support if the issue persists.

Automated publishing failures

What if the content isn't published automatically as scheduled in content calendars?

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Review the automated publishing settings to ensure they are configured correctly.

  • Check for any conflicts in the scheduling timeline.

  • Verify that your content items are in the published state.

  • Investigate any error messages related to the automated publishing process.

Versioning and preview issues

Sometimes, you can have challenges tracking content versions or previews in content calendars.

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Ensure versioning is enabled for your content models.

  • Double-check that you are previewing the correct version of your content.

  • If previews are not displaying correctly, inspect for any errors or warnings.

  • Collaborate with team members to identify and resolve versioning issues.

Analytics integration problems

What if we need help with integrating Kontent.ai content calendars with analytics tools?

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Review the integration settings to ensure the correct API keys or credentials are used.

  • Confirm that your analytics tools are configured to receive data from Kontent.ai.

  • Check for any error messages or logs related to the integration process.

  • Consult the documentation for both Kontent.ai and your analytics tools for troubleshooting tips.

Effective troubleshooting often involves systematically identifying, isolating, and resolving issues. By following these steps and leveraging available resources, you can enhance your troubleshooting skills and ensure a smoother content calendars creation process in Kontent.ai.

Read: How To Personalize Content Experience For Your Visitors In Kontent.ai?

Planning content


Building content calendars in Kontent.ai is a strategic move for any individual or organization aiming to streamline their content planning process.


Following these step-by-step instructions, you can leverage the platform's robust features to create, manage, and deliver content precisely. As you navigate the Kontent.ai landscape, remember that well-structured content calendars are the key to a successful and impactful content strategy.

Stay tuned with Kapsys to improve your content strategy!