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Strapi vs Kontent.ai: Best Headless CMS Options

February 21, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience
best headless cms

Choosing the best content management system (CMS) can be overwhelming. With countless options available, deciding the best headless CMS that suits your needs requires careful consideration. This article will compare two leading content management systems: Strapi and Kontent.ai

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What is a Content Management System

In today's digital age, the best headless CMS is the foundation for managing, organizing, and delivering digital content. 

It's like the control center for a digital universe, allowing users to effortlessly create, manage, and publish an array of content types on the internet, including text, images, videos, and multimedia. 

These systems come in diverse forms, ranging from open-source solutions to proprietary platforms, and they serve as the backbone for countless websites and digital applications.

Understanding the essence of a CMS is fundamental as it lays the groundwork for our exploration of Strapi and Kontent.ai.

Read: Ultimate Guide To Choosing Your Headless CMS

Understanding Strapi and Kontent.ai

Now that we have a firm grasp of a CMS let's delve into two prominent options, Strapi and Kontent.ai, and unravel the distinctive qualities that define each. This, in turn, will help you to choose the best headless CMS. 

What is Strapi?

Strapi is an open-source, headless Content Management System that exudes a sense of freedom and community. Its open-source nature means that its inner workings are accessible to users, empowering them to understand how it operates and to tweak and enhance its features. 

Strapi's 'headless' architecture separates it by separating the content management backend from the frontend presentation layer. This grants developers the creative liberty to use their preferred tools and frameworks to craft the front end of websites or applications. Built on Node.js, Strapi offers a remarkable degree of customization.

Read: What Is Strapi, And Why Is It A Leading Headless CMS?

What is Kontent.ai?

In contrast to Strapi's open-source model, Kontent.ai is a cloud-based content-as-a-service platform. Although it's not open-source, Kontent.ai is a comprehensive content infrastructure solution. 

This solution ensures that content is harmoniously integrated across various digital channels and platforms. With Kontent.ai, there's a harmonious and seamless approach to content management.

Read: Benefits Of Using Kontent.ai As A Content Management Solution

Strapi vs. Kontent.ai: Benefits

Now, let's uncover the strengths and advantages that each CMS brings to the table. Analyzing the benefits will help you to choose the best headless CMS. 


  • Open-Source Flexibility: Strapi's open-source nature resembles an artist's blank canvas. It offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling developers to dig deep into the code, modify it, and extend its functionality through a vibrant ecosystem of community-contributed plugins.

  • Headless Architecture: Strapi's 'headless' design is like a bridge connecting the realms of content and technology. It ensures that content can be flawlessly delivered across various devices and platforms, making it an ideal choice for modern applications.

  • Extensibility: Strapi's bustling community has spawned numerous plugins, expanding its capabilities beyond imagination. The possibilities are limitless, from authentication systems to seamless integrations with third-party services.

  • API Variety: Strapi steps up the game with RESTful and GraphQL APIs right out of the box. This variety simplifies integration with other platforms and systems, fostering a smoother user experience.


  • Unified Content Repository: Kontent.ai is akin to a harmonious orchestra with its centralized content repository. Every content note resonates in perfect synchrony, ensuring that updates are instantly echoed across all digital channels. Consistency is its forte.

  • Content Collaboration: Kontent.ai's forte lies in content collaboration. It transforms content management into a social experience, offering content commenting and workflow management features, making it a potent tool for collaborative teams.

  • Cloud-Based Convenience: As a cloud-based solution, Kontent.ai takes the burden of scalability and maintenance off your shoulders. It guarantees scalability and provides automatic updates, eliminating the need for tedious manual installations and maintenance.

  • API-First Approach: Kontent.ai's design philosophy revolves around being API-first. This makes integrating it with diverse platforms a walk in the park, ensuring that you're always in control.

In the grand symphony of content management, Strapi and Kontent.ai play unique and harmonious roles. It's hard to choose the best headless CMS solely based on benefits. 

best content management system

Strapi vs. Kontent.ai: Drawbacks

Even the best headless CMS has its limitations. Let's explore the drawbacks of both Strapi and Kontent.ai.


  • Learning Curve: Strapi's developer-centric approach may be challenging for non-technical users. Familiarity with JavaScript and Node.js is often a prerequisite, which could be a stumbling block for those who need coding skills.

  • Hosting and Maintenance: While Strapi offers freedom, it also necessitates responsibility. Users must manage hosting and maintenance, which can be an undertaking.

  • Plugin Compatibility: While Strapi's extensibility is a strength, it can also lead to compatibility issues when using multiple third-party plugins. Developers must be vigilant to ensure these plugins work seamlessly together; sometimes, resolving conflicts can be time-consuming.

  • Scalability Challenges: Strapi's scalability largely depends on the user's server infrastructure. As your project grows, you may encounter scalability challenges that require additional server resources and optimization, which can translate into increased operational costs and technical complexities.


  • Proprietary Nature: Kontent.ai's proprietary model can translate to ongoing costs. Depending on your usage and budget, this proprietary aspect could be a potential drawback for some organizations.

  • Limited Design Freedom: Kontent.ai's focus on content management sometimes limits design freedom. Customizing the layout and appearance of the content can be restricted, which may not be ideal for organizations with unique design requirements.

  • Data Privacy Concerns: Storing your cloud content may raise privacy concerns, particularly for businesses operating in regions with strict data protection regulations. This may necessitate additional measures and compliance efforts, which can be complex and resource-intensive.

While both Strapi and Kontent.ai offer notable advantages, it's essential to consider their limitations. Strapi may present plugin compatibility and scalability challenges, whereas Kontent.ai could limit design freedom and pose data privacy concerns. 

While choosing the best headless CMS, your decision should be based on your project's specific requirements, budget, and long-term goals.

Use Cases

In this comparative study, it's essential to understand the core usability of the best headless CMS in your specific case. Let's examine the ideal scenarios for each.

Strapi is ideal for:

  • Developers and Flexibility Seekers: Strapi beckons to developers and organizations who crave high customization and flexibility in their CMS.

  • Developer-Centric Projects: For projects that embrace a developer-centric approach, Strapi is the go-to solution.

  • Community Enthusiasts: Those looking for an open-source solution bolstered by a vibrant community will find Strapi a welcoming environment.

Kontent.ai is well-suited for:

  • Collaborative Teams: Teams and organizations requiring streamlined content collaboration and robust workflow management will find Kontent.ai an invaluable asset.

  • User-Friendly Environments: Kontent.ai's user-friendly, non-developer-centric approach makes it an excellent choice for those seeking ease of use.

  • Scalability and Convenience: Users who appreciate the convenience of a cloud-based solution with automatic updates and effortless scalability will find Kontent.ai a compelling option.

In content management, the choice between Strapi and Kontent.ai hinges on your unique needs. 

Strapi suits developers and those who value customization, while Kontent.ai is perfect for collaborative teams and users seeking user-friendly, scalable solutions. 

These are the best headless CMS options. They cater to specific goals and preferences, ensuring you find the right fit for your project.

Read: How to Choose a Headless CMS for Your Organization

What to Consider When Choosing Between Strapi and Kontent.ai

When deliberating on which is the best headless CMS for you, be it Strapi or Kontent.ai, several critical factors should guide your decision-making process:

  • Project Requirements: Start by evaluating your project's specific needs. Consider the scale of your project, the complexity of your content management, and the technical expertise available.

  • Budget: Determine your budget constraints. Strapi's open-source nature may appeal to those looking to minimize costs, while Kontent.ai's cloud-based model may offer scalability at the cost of potential ongoing expenses.

  • Technical Expertise: Assess the level of technical expertise within your team. Strapi may be more suitable for developer-centric projects, while Kontent.ai's user-friendly approach caters to non-technical users.

  • Content Collaboration: If your project relies heavily on content collaboration and efficient workflow management, Kontent.ai's tools may be more appealing.

  • Customization: Consider the extent of customization required. Strapi's open-source flexibility provides more room for customization, while Kontent.ai prioritizes a streamlined user experience.

  • Data Privacy and Compliance: If your project must adhere to stringent data privacy regulations, Kontent.ai's cloud-based approach might require additional compliance measures.

  • Scalability: Depending on the growth trajectory of your project, you may need to assess scalability requirements. Kontent.ai's cloud-based architecture offers scalability, while Strapi's scalability depends on your server infrastructure.

By carefully weighing these factors and aligning them with your project's objectives, you can make an informed decision between Strapi and Kontent.ai, ensuring that you are choosing the best headless CMS.

what is strapi cms


Whether you gravitate toward Strapi's boundless flexibility and extensibility or Kontent.ai's seamless content management and collaboration features, both platforms offer potent solutions for managing and delivering content across modern digital applications.

The key lies in carefully assessing your project's distinctive needs and selecting the best headless CMS that aligns most closely with your goals and resources. Digital innovation is at your fingertips; the choice is yours.

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