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What Is Strapi, And Why Is It A Leading Headless CMS?

March 8, 2024 by
  • User Experience
What Is Strapi

The digital landscape is continuously evolving, with it, the technologies we use to manage and deliver content. One term that has been making waves in content management is "headless CMS." And among them, Strapi stands out as a leading contender. But what is Strapi, and why is it rising in prominence? Let's find out with Kapsys what is Strapi and Why it is considered a powerful CMS tool!

What is Strapi?

Strapi CMS

Strapi is an open-source, Node.js-based headless CMS. Unlike traditional CMSs, Strapi focuses solely on the backend—content creation and management—allowing developers to integrate it seamlessly with any frontend framework via dynamically generated APIs.

Its developer-centric approach offers data modeling and API customization flexibility while providing a user-friendly admin panel. It's self-hosted, supports various databases, and can be extended with plugins to enhance functionality.

What is a Headless CMS?

A headless Content Management System (CMS) is a back-end content management infrastructure that provides a way to create, manage, and store content without being tied to a specific front-end delivery layer or presentation. In other words, while traditional CMS platforms are intrinsically linked with their front end (the "head"), a headless CMS lacks this, hence the term "headless."

What Makes Strapi a Powerful CMS "Headless" Tool?

A headless CMS is ideal for scenarios where flexibility, performance, and future-proofing are essential. Here's a deeper look into what makes a CMS "headless":

  1. Decoupling of Front-end and Back-end: In a traditional CMS, the content creation and management aspect (back-end) is tightly coupled with the design and presentation aspect (front-end). A headless CMS, however, only provides the back-end capabilities, allowing developers to use any platform or technology to present the content.
  2. API-Driven: A significant feature of a headless CMS is its ability to deliver content via APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). This means API calls can push the content stored in a headless CMS to any display layer (website, mobile app, smartwatch, IoT device, etc.).
  3. Flexibility: Without being confined to a specific presentation layer, developers can build front-end experiences using any programming language or framework they prefer.
  4. Omnichannel Readiness: The rise of various digital platforms (web, mobile, smart devices, etc.) has made it imperative for content to be available everywhere. With a headless CMS, content can be easily repurposed and displayed across multiple channels seamlessly.
  5. Future-Proofing: As digital platforms evolve and new ones emerge, a headless CMS ensures that content can be easily integrated and displayed without significant overhauls.
  6. Performance: Without the front-end bloat that comes with traditional CMS platforms, headless CMSs often deliver content faster, leading to better website and app performance.

It's especially beneficial for brands and businesses that must deliver content across multiple platforms and channels. However, it might require a more technical approach, as developers must handle content presentation and delivery separately.

Read: Choosing The Best Next.js CMS in 2023

what is a headless CMS

10 Reasons Why Use Strapi 

Strapi is one of the most popular open-source headless Content Management Systems (CMS) available today. But what makes it stand out in the crowded space of CMS platforms? Here are compelling reasons to use Strapi:

  1. Open-Source and Customizable: Being open-source, Strapi offers developers the freedom to modify and adapt the platform to their specific needs. This ensures that projects aren't bound by unnecessary features or limited by their lack. Moreover, the vibrant community around Strapi contributes to its growing list of plugins and extensions.
  2. Developer-Friendly: Strapi is built with developers in mind. Its flexibility means that developers aren't confined to specific technologies or platforms. Its RESTful and GraphQL APIs ensure it can easily integrate with any frontend framework or technology.
  3. Intuitive Admin Panel: The Strapi admin panel is user-friendly, allowing content creators and marketers to manage and update content without deep technical expertise easily.
  4. Secure and Scalable: Strapi provides robust role-based authentication and permissions out of the box, ensuring that content and user data are protected. As your content or user base grows, Strapi scales smoothly, ensuring that your platform remains fast and responsive.
  5. Dynamic API Creation: One of the standout features of Strapi is its ability to automatically generate APIs based on the content structure defined by the user. This dynamic generation reduces the manual effort required in API creation, speeding up development processes.
  6. Support for GraphQL and  and REST: Strapi provides out-of-the-box support for both GraphQL and REST, two of the most popular API standards. This ensures that developers can choose the best approach for their project needs.
  7. Multilingual Support: Strapi has built-in capabilities to manage content in multiple languages, making it ideal for global platforms and services.
  8. Self-Hosted: Unlike many CMS platforms that operate as hosted solutions, Strapi allows you to host it on your server. This offers greater control over performance, security, and other critical parameters.
  9. Extensive Plugin System: Strapi has a modular architecture that supports a vast array of plugins. This means that you can easily extend its functionalities based on project requirements.
  10. Active Community and Regular Updates: Strapi boasts a lively community that's always contributing to its improvement. This ensures the platform is continually updated, keeping pace with the latest technological trends and requirements.

Whether you're building a simple blog, a complex e-commerce platform, or anything in between, Strapi provides the tools and capabilities to make the development process smoother and more efficient.

Read: How To Use Strapi CMS and Vercel Hosting To Boost SEO

advantages of headless cms

Traditional vs. Headless CMS

Two primary types often come up when exploring content management solutions: traditional CMS and headless CMS. Both have their merits and are suited for different scenarios. Let's dive into a detailed comparison between these two approaches:

1. Traditional CMS

A traditional CMS is an integrated solution where the content management backend and the content presentation frontend are closely tied together. Typically deployed as monolithic applications, making scalability and updates a bit more complex. For example, WordPress (though it can also be used as a headless CMS), Joomla, and Drupal.


Coupled: The layers of content creation (backend) and content presentation (frontend) are intertwined. Generally restricted to the frontend themes and templates provided by the CMS platform.

When you can use a traditional CMS:

Best suited for standard websites where content presentation remains relatively consistent across pages.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of traditional CMS:




Easier to set up and deploy for non-technical users.

Limited flexibility in terms of content delivery across various platforms.

Integrated solutions often mean that features like SEO, caching, and theming are handled out-of-the-box.

Tightly coupled architecture can make significant changes or overhauls challenging.

Streamlined content creation to publication flow.

Might not be optimal for performance if you're looking for a lightweight, frontend-focused solution.

strapi cms

2. Headless CMS

A headless CMS is a backend-only content management system built from the ground up as a content repository, making content accessible via an API for display on any platform. Modular architecture makes it scalable and adaptive to changes. For example, Strapi, Contentful, Sanity.

ReadUltimate Guide To Choosing Your Headless CMS


Decoupled: The backend and frontend are separate, allowing developers to build any frontend that fetches content from the CMS via APIs.

When you can use it:

Ideal for projects that need content displayed across multiple platforms like web, mobile apps, IoT devices, VR/AR, and more. Extremely flexible as developers can use any technology to develop the front end.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of headless CMS:




Omnichannel readiness as content can be pushed to any platform or device.

Might have a steeper learning curve for those accustomed to traditional CMS platforms.

Provides developers with the freedom to choose their tech stack for the frontend.

Requires a more technical approach, especially in terms of frontend development.

Future-proofing: As new platforms or display technologies emerge, you can build new frontends without restructuring your content backend.

Some features, like SEO or caching, may need manual handling or additional integrations.

Strapi CMS: A Conclusion

The headless approach is gaining momentum in the vast realm of content management systems, and Strapi CMS shines brightly within that category. Its flexibility, security, and developer-centric features make it a top choice for businesses and developers keen on staying ahead in the digital race. 

Understanding the landscape is crucial whether you want to overhaul your content strategy or embark on a new digital project. We hope this deep dive into the world of headless CMS and the unique strengths of Strapi have illuminated your path. With the right tools and strategies, the digital future is bright!

It's time to explore a platform that's designed for the future. Join Kapsys today and embark on a journey to the forefront of the digital content revolution!