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How To Build Multi-Author Blog Platform With Next.js, Strapi, and Kontent.ai

March 7, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience

In the dynamic landscape of online content, collaboration stands as a cornerstone for success. Building a multi-author blog platform not only broadens the scope of content but also fosters a sense of community among contributors. 

Join Kapsys as we explore the fusion of Next.js, Strapi, and Kontent.ai to create a powerful and flexible multi-author blog platform.


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What is a Multi-Author Blog Platform?

A multi-author blog platform is a content management system that allows multiple authors to contribute and collaborate on creating and managing content. 

Unlike single-author blogs, which a single individual typically manages, multi-author blogs enable a diverse group of writers to share their perspectives, expertise, and insights within a unified platform. 

This collaborative approach fosters community and provides readers with various voices and topics.

Read: Building a Blog with Next.js and Strapi: End-To-End Guide For A Modern Web Application

Key Features of Multi-Author Blogs

With multi-author blogs, you can: 

1. Add user authentication and roles

Implement a secure user authentication system that allows users to create accounts and log in safely. Additionally, define distinct roles—authors, editors, administrators—with varying permissions, providing tailored access control for different user categories.

2. Create author profiles

You can create personalized author profiles through multi-author blogs showcasing contributor biographies, appealing photos, and comprehensive lists of published articles. Enable seamless linking between articles and author profiles, facilitating the efficient exploration of specific contributors' content.

3. Improve content workflow

To ensure content quality and consistency, you can introduce a streamlined content creation and approval workflow in multi-author blog platforms. Incorporate features like drafts, revisions, and content previews to enhance collaboration among authors and editors during the content creation.

4. Foster real-time collaboration

To enable seamless collaboration among authors, you can integrate advanced real-time collaboration tools in your multi-author blog platform, including WebSockets, to enable seamless collaboration among authors. 

Provide real-time notifications for updates, comments, and changes to enhance communication and coordination, fostering an environment of real-time collaboration.

5. Use content categorization

You can implement a robust content categorization system featuring tags and categories for effective organization in your multi-author blog platform. 

Empower authors with the ability to assign relevant tags and categories to their articles, significantly improving content discoverability and enhancing the overall organization of the blog.

6. Implement search functionality

Introduce a powerful search functionality that lets users quickly discover specific articles or topics. Enhance the user experience by integrating intelligent search features like autocomplete and suggestions, anticipating and responding to queries efficiently. 

This feature ensures an efficient and user-friendly content discovery process within the multi-author blog platform.

Understanding the Components

Understanding the integral components becomes paramount as we construct a dynamic and collaborative multi-author blog platform. 

Let's take a look at the best components that will make your multi-author blog platform so much better:

1. Next.js: Web development

Next.js has emerged as a leading framework for building React applications, offering a seamless developer experience and optimized performance.

With a focus on simplicity and extensibility, Next.js provides an excellent foundation for our multi-author blog platform.

  • Next.js server-side rendering capabilities enhance page load speed, making it an ideal choice for content-heavy websites like blogs. 

2. Strapi: Content Management

Strapi, an open-source headless CMS, serves as the content management backbone for our platform. Its user-friendly interface and customizable content types make it easy for authors to create, edit, and organize content. 

  • Strapi's RESTful API ensures smooth communication between the front end and back end, enabling a dynamic and interactive user experience.

3. Kontent.ai: Content Delivery

Kontent.ai, a cloud-based headless CMS, adds an extra intelligence layer to our blog platform. By integrating Kontent.ai, our multi-author blog gains the ability to deliver content that resonates with each visitor on a deeper level.

  • Kontent.ai's AI-powered content management capabilities allow for personalized content recommendations, making the user experience more engaging. 

next.js blog

Step 1. Build the Foundation with Next.js

As we embark on the transformative journey of building a multi-author blog platform, our first step involves harnessing the prowess of Next.js.

So, here we begin by installing Next.js using npm:

npx create-next-app my-blog

This creates a new Next.js project named "my-blog." Navigate to the project directory and start the development server:

cd my-blog
npm run dev

With Next.js up and running, we can integrate Strapi for content management - this will be our next step in building a multi-author blog platform. 

Read: Getting Started With Next.js To Set Up A New Project

Step 2. Harnessing the Power of Strapi for Multi-Author Blogs

In Step 2, we delve into the integration of Strapi—a potent headless CMS—empowering our multi-author blog platform with the capability to organize content from various contributors.

Installing and configuring Strapi

To integrate Strapi, install it in a separate directory:

npx create-strapi-app my-strapi-app --quickstart

This creates a new Strapi project named "my-strapi-app" with a quickstart configuration. Follow the prompts to set up your admin account and choose the database options that suit your needs.

Read: What Is Strapi, And Why Is It A Leading Headless CMS?

Defining content types in Strapi

Strapi allows the creation of custom content types tailored to the blog's requirements. Define content types such as "Article," "Author," and "Category" to structure the data effectively.

Enabling user registration and permissions

For a multi-author blog, user registration and role-based permissions are essential. Strapi makes setting up user authentication easy and defines roles with varying access levels. Authors can then log in, create content, and collaborate seamlessly within the platform.

Connecting Next.js with Strapi

Next.js communicates with Strapi through API calls. Utilize the fetch function or popular libraries like axios to retrieve content from the Strapi API and render it on the Next.js frontend. 

Implementing author profiles

While creating your multi-author blog platform, enhance the collaborative experience by creating individual author profiles. Strapi allows for building relationships between content types, enabling authors to be associated with their respective articles. 

  • Displaying author profiles alongside articles adds a personal touch to the content, fostering a sense of connection with the audience.

Real-time collaboration with WebSockets

To enable real-time collaboration in your multi-author blog, integrate WebSockets into your Next.js and Strapi setup. WebSockets facilitate instant updates and notifications, allowing authors to see changes made by their peers in real-time. 

  • WebSockets significantly improve the efficiency of collaborative content creation.

Step 3. Enriching Content Delivery with Kontent.ai

As we advance in constructing a multi-author blog platform finely attuned to user preferences, the integration of Kontent.ai stands out as a transformative leap forward. 

Integrating Kontent.ai with Next.js

To incorporate Kontent.ai into our multi-author blog platform, set up a Kontent.ai project and configure it according to your content structure. Utilize the Kontent.ai API to fetch personalized content recommendations based on user behavior and preferences.

Implementing intelligent search

Enhance the user experience by integrating Kontent.ai's intelligent search capabilities. Implement features like autocomplete and content suggestions to efficiently guide users to relevant articles. 

  • Intelligent search improves user satisfaction and encourages the exploration of diverse content within the blog.

Read: Benefits Of Using Kontent.ai As A Content Management Solution

multi authored

Optimizing SEO for Next.js Multi-Author Blogs

In the dynamic landscape of digital content, building a successful multi-author blog platform extends beyond captivating prose—it involves optimizing search engines to enhance visibility and user engagement. Next.js, with its robust tools, emerges as a powerful ally in this endeavor. 

Let's embark on a deeper exploration of the strategies essential for SEO optimization.

Leveraging Next.js for SEO-friendly URLs and metadata

Regarding SEO, the structure of URLs and metadata holds profound significance. Next.js, with its static site generation (SSG) capabilities, Next.js empowers developers to create SEO-friendly URLs and metadata through the getStaticPaths and getStaticProps functions.


  • Dynamically generates paths at build time based on available data.

  • For a multi-author blog, this involves creating paths for each author and their respective articles, ensuring each has a unique and SEO-friendly URL.

Here is an example of how you can implement the getStaticPaths function:

// pages/[author]/[article].js

export async function getStaticPaths() {
  // Fetch the list of authors and articles dynamically
  const paths = /* ... */;
  return { paths, fallback: false };

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
  // Fetch data for the specific author and article
  const postData = /* ... */;
  return {
    props: {


  • Fetches data for a specific path at build time, including meta tags such as title, description, and content.

  • Ensures the returned data is appropriately structured for rendering on the page.

Here is an example of how you can implement getStaticProps function:

// pages/[author]/[article].js

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
  // Fetch data for the specific author and article
  const postData = /* ... */;
  return {
    props: {

Enhancing visibility with descriptive metadata

Crafting compelling and descriptive metadata is paramount to further optimizing search engines and social media platforms.

  • Title Tags: Craft concise, engaging titles containing relevant keywords to attract user clicks.

  • Meta Descriptions: Include enticing summaries encouraging users to click through to the article.

  • Open Graph Tags: Implement Open Graph tags controlling how content appears on social media platforms.

Sitemap and Robots.txt configuration

A well-structured sitemap and a carefully configured robots.txt file facilitate efficient search engine crawling and indexing of your multi-author blog platform.

  • Creating a Sitemap.xml File: Dynamically generate the sitemap based on available authors and articles, including profile pages and respective articles.

// pages/sitemap.xml.js

import { getAllAuthors, getAllArticles } from '...'; // Import functions to fetch authors and articles

export default function Sitemap() {
  const authors = getAllAuthors();
  const articles = getAllArticles();

  const createSitemap = () => {
    // Generate the sitemap XML content based on authors and articles
    // ...

    return sitemapContent;

  return <>{createSitemap()}</>;
  • Configuring Robots.txt: Specify rules in the robots.txt file to guide search engine crawlers, preventing indexing specific pages.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin/
Disallow: /private/

By implementing these SEO practices, the discoverability of your multi-author blog is heightened, contributing to improved performance and ranking. 

These meticulous steps enhance SEO and encourage higher click-through rates on search engine results pages and social media platforms, fostering a broader and more engaged readership.

Read: Next.js SEO: Search Engine Visibility For Next.js Sites With Content From Strapi or Kontent.ai

Blog Platform


Combining Next.js, Strapi, and Kontent.ai forms a robust foundation for building a multi-author blog platform that excels in collaborative content creation. 

By leveraging the strengths of each technology, developers can create a seamless and engaging experience for both authors and readers.

Empower authors, engage readers, and unlock the true potential of collaborative content creation with Next.js, Strapi, and Kontent.ai.

Keep up with Kapsys to create more thriving blogs!