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Guide To Your First Project With Kontent.ai

January 25, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience
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Content is king, and ensuring its efficient creation, storage, and delivery is paramount for businesses and organizations. This is where Kontent.ai comes into the picture, offering a robust content management and organization platform. 

Join Kapsys as we delve into the world of Kontent.ai, provide detailed steps, and even include code snippets to guide you through building your first project using this powerful tool.


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What is Kontent.ai?

Kontent.ai is a cloud-based content management system (CMS) designed to help organizations streamline their content creation, management, and delivery processes. Unlike traditional CMS platforms, Kontent.ai focuses on delivering content as structured data, making it ideal for modern web applications, websites, and omnichannel content delivery.

Key features of Kontent.ai

Headless CMS: Kontent.ai adopts a headless architecture, separating the content from the presentation layer. This allows content creators to focus solely on content creation while developers have the flexibility to deliver it to various devices and channels.

  • Structured Content: Kontent.ai stores content as structured data, making it easy to reuse, repurpose, and maintain content across different projects and platforms.

  • Content Modeling: You can create custom content types and define models that fit your needs, ensuring your content is organized and consistent.

  • Multilingual Support: Kontent.ai offers robust support for multilingual content, enabling you to reach global audiences easily.

  • Collaboration Tools: The platform includes features for seamless collaboration among content creators, editors, and developers, streamlining the content creation process.

Why is Kontent.ai important for content management and organization?

Traditional CMS platforms often need help handling structured data and efficiently delivering content to various endpoints. Kontent.ai addresses these challenges by providing a modern, headless CMS solution that excels in content organization and management. 

With Kontent.ai, you can focus on creating, structuring, and delivering content effectively while ensuring consistency and relevance.

Read: Benefits Of Using Kontent.ai As A Content Management Solution

content management

Before We Begin 

Before you create a Kontent.ai project, there are a few prerequisites and preparations you should consider:

  • Kontent.ai Account: Sign up for a Kontent.ai account if you don't have one.

  • Clear Project Idea: Define your project's purpose and content management needs.

  • Content Strategy: Decide what types of content you'll manage and their structure.

  • Development Environment: Set up your development environment if you plan to integrate Kontent.ai with a website or app.

  • API Keys: Be ready to store and use API keys for authentication.

  • Content Team: Identify team members and their roles.

  • Content Workflow: Plan how content will be created, reviewed, and published.

These prerequisites will get you started with your Kontent.ai project efficiently.

Read: Why Kontent.ai is a Game Changer in Headless CMS

Setting Up Your Kontent.ai Project

Now that we have covered the basics let's explore how to create your first Kontent.ai project:

Step 1. Sign up and access the dashboard

To start with Kontent.ai, you must first sign up for an account. Once you've completed the registration process, you can access your dashboard, which will be the central hub for your content management activities.

Step 2. Create your first project

Within the Kontent.ai dashboard, you can create a new project. A project serves as a container for all your content, allowing you to organize and manage it effectively. Projects provide a structured environment to manage content, making handling multiple content streams within your organization easier.

  • Here's how to create a new project using Kontent.ai's API:

const kontentClient = new KontentDelivery.Client({
 projectId: 'your-project-id',

 .withData({ name: 'My First Project' })
 .then((response) => {
 console.log('Project created:', response.data);
 .catch((error) => {
 console.error('Error creating project:', error);

Read: A Quick Guide To API Protocols

Step 3. Define content types and models

One of the strengths of Kontent.ai is its flexibility in defining content types and models. You can create content structures that align with your specific requirements. For instance, if you are building a blog, you might define content types for articles, authors, categories, and tags, creating a well-organized content hierarchy.

  • Define a content type for articles using Kontent.ai's API:

 name: 'Article',
 codename: 'article',
 elements: [
 name: 'Title',
 type: 'text',
 name: 'Body',
 type: 'rich_text',
 // Add more elements as needed
 .then((response) => {
 console.log('Content type created:', response.data);
 .catch((error) => {
 console.error('Error creating content type:', error);

By defining content types and models, you establish a clear structure for your content, making it easier to organize and manage.

Read: Kontent.ai 101: Starting Your Content Journey

content organization

Content Creation and Organization

Creating and organizing content is fundamental to managing a project with Kontent.ai. This section covers vital elements of content management, including creating content entries, structuring content, implementing taxonomy, and managing workflows.

Step 1. Creating content entries

With your content types and models in place, creating content entries is time. Each entry represents content, such as an article, product description, or news update. Kontent.ai's user-friendly interface makes content creation a breeze.

  • Create a new article entry using Kontent.ai's API:

 external_id: 'unique-article-id',
 language: 'en-US',
 item: {
 system: {
 type: 'article',
 elements: {
 Title: {
 value: 'Getting Started with Kontent.ai',
 Body: {
 // Add your article content here
 .then((response) => {
 console.log('Article entry created:', response.data);
 .catch((error) => {
 console.error('Error creating article entry:', error);

Step 2. Structuring your content

Kontent.ai allows you to structure your content entries using predefined fields. For example, you can include fields for the title, body text, images, metadata, and more. This structured approach ensures that your content remains organized and consistent.

  • Structure a content entry with multiple elements:

const articleEntry = {
 system: {
 type: 'article',
 elements: {
 Title: {
 value: 'Getting Started with Kontent.ai',
 Body: {
 // Add your article content here
 Image: {
 // Add image URL or reference here
 Metadata: {
 // Add metadata fields here

By structuring your content, you provide a framework for content creators to follow, resulting in consistent content organization.

Step 3. Content taxonomy

You can implement a taxonomy system to enhance the content organization in Kontent.ai further. Create categories and tags to classify your content entries. This makes it easier for content creators and consumers to find relevant information quickly.

  • Assign categories and tags to a content entry:

const articleEntryWithCategoriesTags = {
 // ... other fields
 elements: {
 // ... other elements
 Categories: {
 // Add category values here
 Tags: {
 // Add tag values here

Using categories and tags, you create a structured content taxonomy that improves content discoverability and navigation in Kontent.ai.

Read: How To Personalize Content Experience For Your Visitors In Kontent.ai?

Step 4. Content versioning and workflow

Kontent.ai offers versioning and workflow features, enabling you to track changes and revisions made to your content. This is invaluable when collaborating with a team of content creators and editors.

  • Implement content versioning and workflow in Kontent.ai:

 name: 'Draft',
 codename: 'draft',
 .then((response) => {
 console.log('Workflow step created:', response.data);
 .catch((error) => {
 console.error('Error creating workflow step:', error);

Setting up workflow steps establishes a transparent process for content creation, editing, and approval, ensuring content consistency and quality.

Read: How To Build Content Calendars in Kontent.ai: Planning and Scheduling Content

Content Delivery

Effective content delivery ensures your structured content reaches your audience seamlessly. Let's take a closer look at how Kontent.ai makes content delivery easy and efficient.

Step 1. Integrating Kontent.ai with your website or app

Once your content is created and organized, it's time to deliver it to your website or application. Kontent.ai provides various integration options, including APIs, SDKs, and webhooks, making it compatible with multiple development frameworks and platforms.

 .equalsFilter('system.type', 'article')
 .then((response) => {
 const articles = response.data.items;
 // Use the retrieved articles in your application
 .catch((error) => {
 console.error('Error retrieving articles:', error);

Integrating Kontent.ai with your application ensures your structured content is delivered seamlessly to your users.

Step 2. Content personalization

Kontent.ai also empowers you to deliver personalized content experiences to your audience. You can tailor content to individual preferences by leveraging user data and segmentation, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Personalized content delivery enhances user engagement and encourages users to interact with your content more effectively.

Real-world Use Cases

Kontent.ai is used by organizations of all sizes and across various industries. Here are some real-world use cases where Kontent.ai has excelled:


E-commerce businesses rely on Kontent.ai to efficiently manage product catalogs, descriptions, and promotional content. The structured content model ensures that product information is consistent and up-to-date across multiple platforms.

Publishing and media

Media companies use Kontent.ai to organize articles, videos, and images for their websites and apps. The platform's multilingual support facilitates content distribution to global audiences.

SaaS and technology

SaaS companies leverage Kontent.ai to create and manage help articles, knowledge bases, and documentation. The structured content ensures that users can easily find the information they need.

Kontent ai


Content management and organization are pivotal to success. Kontent.ai offers a robust solution for businesses and organizations looking to take control of their content and deliver exceptional user experiences. 

Following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can confidently build your first project with Kontent.ai, harnessing the power of structured content and streamlined content management.

Start your journey today and learn more about Kontent.ai with Kapsys!