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What Is Next.js And Why It's The Future Of Web Development?

March 26, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience
what is next.js

In the ever-evolving web development landscape, staying ahead with the latest technologies is essential for building fast, secure, and scalable applications. One such technology that has garnered significant attention and acclaim from developers and enterprises alike is Next.js. 

Join Kapsys as we explore what is Next.js, why you should consider using it for your next project, and how to get started with it. By the end, you'll understand why Next.js is considered the future of web development.


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What is Next.js?

Next.js is an open-source React framework that enables developers to build server-side rendering and static web applications using React. Vercel created it, and has quickly become one of the most popular frameworks in the React ecosystem. 

What sets Next.js apart is its ability to combine the best aspects of traditional websites with modern single-page applications (SPAs), offering both developer and user benefits such as improved performance, better SEO, and more efficient scaling.


Key Features of Next.js 

Now, let’s take a closer look at the key features that define what is Next.js:

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Next.js pre-renders pages on the server, which helps with faster page loads, improving SEO, and enhancing the user experience.

  • Static Site Generation (SSG): With Next.js, you can pre-render pages at build time. This feature is perfect for websites with pages that don't require frequent updates, making them incredibly fast to load.

  • File-based Routing: Next.js uses a file-based routing system, making routing simple and intuitive. Pages are automatically routed based on their file names in the pages directory.

  • API Routes: You can easily create API endpoints as part of your Next.js application, facilitating the building of full-stack applications on a single framework.

  • Built-in CSS and Sass Support: Exploring what is Next.js comes with out-of-the-box support for CSS and Sass, allowing for easier styling without additional configurations.

  • Image Optimization: The Image component automatically optimizes images for faster load times and improved performance.

Why Use Next.js?

Learning what is Next.js for your web development projects offers numerous advantages, making it a compelling choice for developers and companies. Here are several key reasons why you might opt for Next.js:

Enhanced performance

Exploring what is Next.js significantly improves the performance of web applications through different techniques. These features ensure that users experience faster page loads, crucial for maintaining user engagement and improving overall user experience.

SEO friendliness

One of the traditional drawbacks of client-side rendered applications is their poor SEO performance. Next.js addresses this by providing server-side rendered pages out of the box, ensuring that search engine crawlers can fully index your site, improving search engine visibility.

Read: SEO Best Practices In Next.js Applications: Search-Engine Friendly

Developer experience

Learning what is Next.js offers a fantastic developer experience, starting from its zero-config setup. Its file-based routing system and hot reloading make it easy to start and iterate quickly. The framework's comprehensive documentation and active community further enhance the development process.


The static generation feature of Next.js allows for websites to be served from global CDNs, making scaling a breeze. This benefits high-traffic sites, significantly reducing server load and ensuring faster content delivery worldwide.

Ecosystem compatibility

Exploring what is Next.js plays well with the vast ecosystem of React libraries, allowing developers to integrate with other tools and libraries with which they're already familiar. This compatibility reduces the learning curve and development time.

why use next js

Additional Benefits of Next.js

Beyond its core features, exploring what is Next.js offers additional benefits, making it an attractive choice for web developers. These advantages enhance the development experience, improve application performance, and facilitate the creation of more robust web solutions.

Simplified state management

Next.js's server-side rendering capabilities allow initial state management directly from the server to the client. This can simplify state management logic, especially for applications requiring initial data from the server. By handling state before the page reaches the user, applications can provide a more seamless user experience.

Automatic code splitting

Next.js automatically splits your code into smaller bundles, which are loaded as needed. This means users only download the minimum amount of JavaScript necessary for the page they visit, leading to faster page load times and a better overall user experience. 

Pre-configured webpack

Exploring what is Next.js comes with a pre-configured Webpack setup, saving developers from the often complex and time-consuming task of configuring Webpack from scratch. This includes optimizations like hot module replacement for development and minification for production. 

Extensive plugin ecosystem

The Next.js community has created an extensive ecosystem of plugins and tools that extend the framework's functionality. These plugins can add features like CSS-in-JS, enhanced image optimization, and more without requiring extensive configuration. 

Built-in support for environment variables

Next.js includes built-in support for loading environment variables, making managing different configurations for development, testing, and production environments easier. Exploring what is Next.js  simplifies keeping sensitive information out of the codebase and managing configuration changes across multiple environments.

Flexible deployment options

Next.js applications can be deployed to various hosting platforms with minimal configuration, from Vercel to other cloud providers like AWSAzure, and Google Cloud Platform. This flexibility allows developers to choose the best hosting solution for their project's needs.

Enhanced security features

By providing features like automatic HTTPS, secure headers, and content security policies out of the box, Next.js helps developers build more secure web applications. The framework's architecture also encourages best practices that mitigate common web vulnerabilities.

The Future of Web Development with Next.js

The future of web development is increasingly shaped by the need for faster, more scalable, and user-friendly applications. Exploring what is Next.js, with its robust feature set and forward-looking capabilities, is well-positioned to lead this evolution. 


Here's how Next.js is influencing the future of web development:

Future-proof architecture

Next.js is designed to be adaptable and ready to integrate with emerging web technologies. This flexibility ensures that Next.js applications can evolve alongside the web, making the framework a long-term solution for developers.

Edge computing

Next.js is set to enhance edge computing capabilities, optimizing content delivery to reduce latency and improve performance. Its alignment with edge networks positions Next.js as a pivotal framework for developers aiming to leverage the edge for faster, more responsive web applications.

Sustainable web development

The framework promotes sustainability through efficient rendering and optimized asset delivery, contributing to lower energy consumption for web applications. Exploring what is Next.js supports the growing emphasis on building environmentally friendly and efficient websites.

AR and VR integration

Next.js provides a solid base for incorporating augmented and virtual reality experiences into web applications. Its ability to handle dynamic content and performance-intensive rendering makes it suitable for developing immersive AR and VR web experiences.

AI and machine learning

With its server-side capabilities and API routes, Next.js is conducive to integrating AI and machine learning features, from personalized content to intelligent searches. This opens avenues for smarter, more adaptive web applications.

Decentralized applications (Web3)

Next.js's flexibility and full-stack potential are a foundation for developing decentralized web applications (dApps). As interest in Web3 grows, exploring what is Next.js could become a key tool for building user-centric, blockchain-based applications.

Accessibility-first development

The framework's performance and SEO benefits extend to improved accessibility, promoting faster load times and better user experiences for everyone, including those using assistive technologies. Exploring what is Next.js encourages an accessibility-first approach in web development.

Next.js is leading the way in creating more efficient, enjoyable, and future-ready web development practices. Its combination of performance optimization, full-stack capabilities, and a developer-friendly environment aligns perfectly with the direction of modern web development.

Read: What's New in Next.js: Latest Features and Updates

Getting Started with Next.js 

Getting started with what is Next.js is straightforward, thanks to its simplicity and the comprehensive documentation provided by Vercel, the company behind Next.js. Here's a step-by-step guide to kick off your first Next.js project:

  • Setup: Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine.

  • Create Next App: Run the following command in your terminal to create a new Next.js application:

npx create-next-app your-project-name
  • Navigate to Your Project: Change into your project directory:

cd your-project-name
  • Start Development Server: Run the development server:

npm run dev
  • Open Your Browser: Go to http://localhost:3000 to see your new Next.js application.

You can build your application by adding new components, pages, and styles. The Next.js documentation provides a wealth of resources and guides to help you.

Read: Next.js Basic Tutorial: Unveiling the Power of Next.js

how to start next js project


Learning what is Next.js is a pivotal framework in modern web development, blending performance, scalability, and an excellent developer experience. 

Its comprehensive feature set addresses the critical demands of today's web projects, from fast load times and SEO optimization to full-stack capabilities and flexible deployment options. As Next.js continues to evolve, backed by a vibrant community and a commitment to innovation, it offers developers a forward-looking toolset for building dynamic, efficient, and secure web applications. 

Adopting what is Next.js means keeping pace with current web development trends and preparing for the future, ensuring that the applications you build today remain relevant and competitive in the rapidly changing digital landscape.

Keep up with Kapsys to learn all about Next.js and so much more!