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Strapi Update: What's New?

March 27, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience
strapi update

In content management systems (CMS), Strapi has steadily risen as a preferred choice for developers who lean towards a more customizable, open-source alternative. Known for its ease of use, flexibility, and powerful features, the Strapi update enables developers to build, manage, and deploy content-rich applications more efficiently. 

Join Kapsys as we explore the latest Strapi update, its new features, enhancements, and how it continues to empower developers, especially in integrating react keyboard shortcuts for an improved user experience.


What is Strapi 

Strapi is an open-source, headless CMS designed to efficiently build, manage, and deploy content-rich applications. 

It is built on top of Node.js, leveraging the power of modern JavaScript to offer developers a flexible, scalable, and customizable platform for developing digital projects. As a headless CMS, the Strapi update focuses solely on the backend.

It provides a RESTful or GraphQL API that allows developers to deliver their content anywhere, from websites to mobile apps, without being tied to any specific frontend framework or technology.

what is strapi

Strapi Core Features

Here are some key features and benefits of using Strapi:

Open-source and self-hosted

Strapi update offers the flexibility to modify the code to suit specific project requirements. It can be self-hosted on any server, giving developers complete control over their data and the infrastructure.

Headless architecture

The headless nature of Strapi means that the content management system (CMS) is decoupled from the presentation layer (the front end). This provides the freedom to use any frontend technology (such as React, Vue.jsAngular, etc.) and deliver content across multiple platforms (web, mobile apps, IoT devices, etc.) using the same backend.

API-first approach

Strapi is designed as an API-first CMS, making creating, managing, and exposing content through RESTful or GraphQL APIs easy. This approach simplifies pulling data into any frontend framework, enhancing development efficiency.

Customizable and extensible

Developers can easily extend the functionality of Strapi by creating custom plugins, fields, and APIs. The platform is designed to be highly customizable, allowing for tailored backend logic and workflows to fit specific project needs.


Strapi includes built-in security features such as role-based access control (RBAC), which allows users and administrators to define different access levels. Developers can secure their applications by customizing these settings and implementing additional security measures.

Rich plugin ecosystem

Strapi update supports many plugins that add functionality such as authentication, media library management, SEO, and more. The community and developers constantly contribute new plugins, expanding the ecosystem.

User-friendly admin panel

Despite its developer-focused features, Strapi also offers a user-friendly admin panel. This graphical interface enables content creators and managers to easily manage content without needing deep technical knowledge.

Read: What Is Strapi And How Is It Different From Traditional CMS

Why Updating Strapi is Essential

Updating your Strapi installation is essential for several reasons, all contributing to maintaining a secure, efficient, and modern application. Here's why keeping Strapi up-to-date is crucial:

Security enhancements

One of the primary reasons for a Strapi update, or any software, is to ensure your application remains secure. New updates often patch vulnerabilities discovered since the last version, protecting your application from potential exploits. You must update it to avoid exposing your system to attacks compromising your data and users.

Bug fixes

Despite the best efforts of developers, no software is entirely free from bugs. Strapi update ensures you benefit from fixes for known issues affecting your application's stability, usability, or performance. It helps maintain a smooth operation, reduce downtime, and improve user satisfaction.


As the ecosystem around Strapi grows, including plugins, integrations, and front-end frameworks, keeping your Strapi installation updated ensures compatibility with other tools and services. This is crucial for maintaining a seamless development workflow and ensuring your technology stack works well together.

Improved developer experience

Strapi update often include improvements to the developer experience, such as enhanced CLI tools, better documentation, and more intuitive admin panel features. These improvements can make your development team more productive and happy.

Staying competitive

By utilizing Strapi update, you ensure that your application stays competitive in terms of technology. Leveraging the latest features and improvements can help provide your users with a better product or service, keeping you ahead in your market.

Support and community help

Lastly, staying updated means you're more likely to receive help from the Strapi community or the Strapi team. Older versions might not be supported as the community and resources will focus on the latest iterations of the software.

Read: How To Monetize Your Projects In Strapi CMS?

react keyboard shortcuts

So, What's New in Strapi Update?

Strapi has been continually evolving, introducing new features and improvements to enhance its flexibility, performance, and ease of use. Strapi's development team delivers regular updates to keep the platform secure, efficient, and at the forefront of headless CMS technologies. Here are some of the noteworthy updates and features that have been introduced in the Strapi update up to that point:

Plugin system improvements

Strapi update has been enhancing its plugin system, making it easier for developers to create, share, and install plugins. This effort aims to enrich the ecosystem, providing users with a broader array of functionalities directly out-of-the-box or through easily accessible extensions.

Media library enhancements

Updates to the media library have been a focus, with improvements to make media management more intuitive and robust. These enhancements often include better file organization, more efficient handling of large media files, and advanced filtering options.

Performance optimization

Performance is a crucial area of continuous improvement, with updates focusing on reducing response times, optimizing database queries, and ensuring that the platform can scale effectively for high-traffic applications. Strapi update aims to make the admin panel more responsive and improve the overall speed of API responses.

Internationalization support

Enhanced internationalization support allows users to manage content in multiple languages more easily within the Strapi admin panel. This feature is crucial for global applications and websites that cater to a diverse audience.

Custom field types

Introducing custom field types gives developers even more flexibility in defining the data structure of their applications. This feature allows for creating tailored content types with unique fields that fit specific project needs.

Better GraphQL and REST API support

GraphQL and REST API support improvements ensure developers can efficiently query their data and integrate Strapi updates with various frontend frameworks and technologies. These enhancements are focused on providing more flexibility, reducing boilerplate code, and supporting complex data structures.

Read: GraphQL API Customizations Explained: Fine-Tuning Your Strapi Experience

User interface and user experience improvements

Updates to the user interface and overall user experience of the Strapi admin panel aim to make content management as intuitive and straightforward as possible. This includes redesigning existing features, introducing new usability enhancements, and optimizations to make the platform more accessible.

Official docker support

For those deploying Strapi update in containerized environments, improvements and official support for Docker can significantly streamline deployment processes, making it easier to get Strapi up and running in various environments.

Read: Setting Up Strapi on Docker: Efficient Deployment and Scaling

How to Update Strapi

Updating Strapi to the latest version is straightforward, ensuring you can take advantage of the new features and improvements without delay. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Backup Your Data: Before initiating the update, back up your Strapi project, including the database, to prevent data loss.


  • Update Your Dependencies: Use your terminal to navigate to your Strapi project folder and run the following command to update Strapi and its dependencies to the latest version:

npm update
  • Run Strapi and Verify: After the changes, run Strapi update using:

npm run develop

Verify that your project runs smoothly and check the updated version by accessing the Strapi admin panel.

  • Test Your Application: Thoroughly test your application to ensure all functionalities work as expected after the update. Pay particular attention to any custom plugins or integrations.

Read: A Step-by-Step Guide for Strapi Applications

how to update strapi


The latest Strapi update brings many features and enhancements that underscore its position as a leading headless CMS in the developer community. 

The process is more straightforward than ever for those looking to upgrade or integrate Strapi into their development workflow. By following the outlined steps for updating Strapi, developers can quickly take advantage of the new features and continue to deliver exceptional digital experiences.

Strapi's evolution is a testament to the vibrant community of developers and contributors who shape its direction. As it continues to grow and adapt to modern web development needs, Strapi update is an invaluable tool for developers looking to leverage the power of a flexible, open-source CMS in their projects.

Keep up with Kapsys to learn all about the Strapi and other leading CMS!