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A Quick Guide To Strapi Headless CMS

January 17, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience
strapi headless cms

Content management systems (CMS) are pivotal in website and application development in today's digital age. Strapi headless CMS has gained significant attention for its flexibility, ease of use, and powerful features. 

Join Kapsys as we explore what Strapi is, its core functionalities, and how to get started with Strapi login and content management.


What is Strapi?

Strapi is an open-source headless content management system that empowers developers to create, manage, and deliver digital content with unparalleled flexibility. 

Unlike traditional CMS platforms, Strapi headless CMS separates the content management from the front-end presentation, making it an ideal choice for building websites, mobile apps, and other digital experiences.

Read: What Is Strapi, And Why Is It A Leading Headless CMS?

what is strapi

Key Features of Strapi Headless CMS

Let’s explore the critical features of Strapi headless CMS and how they might benefit you:


Strapi headless CMS offers complete freedom regarding content modeling and structure. You can define your content types, relationships, and data structure according to your needs. 

This flexibility ensures that Strapi can adapt to various projects, from blogs and e-commerce sites to mobile apps and IoT applications.

Headless architecture

Strapi follows a headless architecture, which decouples content management from the front end. 

This separation enables developers to use any front-end framework or technology they prefer, such as ReactVue.js, or Angular, to deliver content to users.


Strapi headless CMS is highly customizable, allowing developers to extend its core functionality using plugins. Installing the relevant plugins can add features like authentication, e-commerce capabilities, and more.

User-friendly interface

Despite its flexibility, Strapi headless CMS  provides a user-friendly admin panel for non-technical users to manage content efficiently. The intuitive interface makes it accessible for content editors and marketers to create and update content without technical assistance.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Strapi headless CMS offers robust RBAC features, allowing you to define user roles and permissions. Only authorized individuals can access and modify specific content and settings.


Strapi headless CMS  is API-centric, prioritizing providing a clean and efficient API for your content. This makes integrating with various platforms and technologies easy, ensuring seamless content delivery to any device or channel.

Read: A Quick Guide To API Protocols

Here's How to Start with Strapi

Now that we've covered the basics of what Strapi is and its core features, let's dive into the process of starting with Strapi headless CMS, including Strapi login and content management:

Step 1. Installation

Before using Strapi headless CMS, install it on your server or local development environment. Strapi provides detailed installation instructions on its official website, catering to various operating systems and environments. 

Once you've completed the installation, you can access the Strapi admin panel through your web browser.

Step 2. Setting up Strapi login and authentication

Authentication is a crucial aspect of many web applications, and Strapi headless CMS simplifies this process with its built-in authentication system. 

Here's how you can set up Strapi login and authentication for your project:

  • Access the Plugin Marketplace: In the Strapi admin panel, go to "Plugins" and click on "Marketplace."

  • Search for Authentication Plugins: Use the search bar to find authentication plugins like JWT or OAuth.

  • Install and Configure: Select the appropriate plugin, install it, and configure settings like token expiration and user roles.

  • Create User Roles: Define user roles with specific permissions using Strapi's RBAC system.

  • Integrate Authentication: Implement authentication in your front-end application using dedicated packages.

  • Manage Users: Strapi's user management system allows users to register and log in, and administrators can oversee accounts and permissions.

strapi content management system

Step 3. Creating your first content type

Creating your first content type in Strapi headless CMS  is essential in setting up your Strapi instance. Content types represent the structured data that your website or application will manage. 

For instance, if you are building a blog, you will want to create content types for "Blog Posts," "Authors," and "Categories." Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make your initial content type in Strapi headless:

Log in to the Strapi admin panel

Begin by logging in to the Strapi admin panel using the login credentials you established during installation.

Access the content type builder

In the left-hand menu of the Strapi admin panel, you will see the "Content Type Builder" option. Click on it to access the content type creation interface.

Create a new content type

Click the "Create new collection type" button to define your content type. Here, you will be prompted to provide a name and description for your content type.

Add fields

Within your newly created content type, you can add fields to specify the type of data you intend to store. For a blog post, typical fields might include "Title," "Content," "Author," and "Category." Each field can have its data types, such as text, rich text, media, or relationships with other content types.

Configure settings

Strapi headless CMS offers a range of settings for each content type, encompassing display, validation, and permissions options. Tailor these settings to align with the specific requirements of your project.

Save and publish

Once you've defined your content type and fine-tuned its settings to your liking, save your changes and publish the kind. With this step completed, your content type is now prepared for use.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to structuring your content effectively within Strapi headless CMS, making it easier to manage and deliver the data your website or application requires.

Read: A Step-by-Step Guide for Strapi Applications

Step 4. Populating content

With your content type created, you can start populating your Strapi headless CMS instance with content. Here's how you can do that:

  • Access the Content List: In the Strapi admin panel, go to the "Collection Types" section and select the content type you want to populate, such as "Blog Posts."

  • Create New Entries: Click the "Add New Entry" button to create a new content entry. Fill in the fields with the relevant information, such as the blog post's title, content, author, and category.

  • Save and Publish: Once you've entered the content, save and publish it. Your content is now stored in the Strapi database and can be accessed via the API for front-end display.

Read: Headless CMS and Strapi SEO Best Practices

Best Practises for Getting Started with Strapi

Getting started with Strapi headless CMS is an exciting journey towards building flexible and powerful content-driven applications. To ensure a smooth start and make the most of Strapi's features, it's essential to follow best practices. 

Here are some key recommendations for getting started with Strapi headless CMS:

Choose the right hosting environment

Select a suitable hosting environment for your Strapi headless CMS project. You can host Strapi on your local machine for development and then choose from various hosting options for production, such as traditional web hosts, cloud platforms (e.g., AWSHeroku, or Azure), or dedicated Strapi hosting providers.

Plan your data structure

Before diving into content creation, take the time to plan your data structure. Define your content types, relationships, and fields carefully. A well-thought-out data structure will make managing and scaling your Strapi project easier as it evolves.

Use content-type templates

Strapi headless CMS provides content-type templates for everyday use cases like blogs, e-commerce, and portfolios. These templates can help you start quickly and provide a foundation for your project. Customize them to fit your specific requirements.

Optimize your database configuration

Strapi headless CMS supports various databases, including SQLiteMySQLPostgreSQL, and MongoDB. Choose the database that best suits your project's needs and optimize its configuration for performance and scalability.

Implement data validation

Leverage Strapi's built-in validation options to ensure data integrity. Use validations like required fields, unique constraints, and data type validations to maintain clean and consistent data.

Implement version control

Use version control systems like Git to track changes in your Strapi headless CMS project's code and configuration files. This makes it easier to collaborate with others and revert changes if needed.

Use plugins and extensions wisely

Strapi headless CMS offers a rich ecosystem of plugins and extensions to enhance your CMS. However, use them judiciously, as too many plugins can increase complexity and potentially introduce compatibility issues.

Remember that Strapi headless CMS is a versatile tool that can adapt to various projects. Following these best practices will help you build a robust and scalable application with Strapi and ensure a successful start to your development journey.

strapi login


Strapi is a powerful headless CMS that offers unparalleled flexibility and ease of use for developers and content managers alike. In this beginner's guide, we've covered the basics of Strapi, its key features, and the steps to get started with Strapi login and content management.

Whether you're building a simple blog or a complex e-commerce platform, Strapi can be the foundation for your next digital venture, providing the tools and freedom you need to succeed.

Keep up with Kapsys to learn all about Strapi and so much more!