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What Is Strapi: Introduction Guide

April 16, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience
what is strapi

Gone are the days when CMS platforms were solely used for blogging or simple website management. Today, they are essential tools for delivering rich, dynamic content across multiple platforms. Among these modern solutions, learning what is Strapi is a powerful way to supercharge your content management. 

Join Kapsys as we explore what is Strapi and its key features and guide you through the basics of getting started, including the Strapi start command and how to run Strapi effectively.


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What is Strapi?

Strapi is an open-source, JavaScript-based headless CMS. Unlike traditional CMS platforms that tightly couple the front-end and back-end, a headless CMS like Strapi provides only the back-end functionality. This means it manages and delivers content without dictating how or where it is displayed. 

Learning what is Strapi architecture allows developers to use their front-end tools and technologies, making Strapi an ideal choice for projects requiring a custom user experience or delivering content across multiple channels, such as web, mobile apps, and IoT devices.


Read: What Is Strapi And How Is It Different From Traditional CMS

strapi start command

Key Features of Strapi

Exploring what is Strapi comes with a range of features that make it a preferred choice among developers and content managers:

Flexibility with front-end frameworks

Strapi delivers content through APIs as a headless CMS, which means it can be used with any front-end framework or technology. This allows developers to use their preferred tools and technologies to build the user interface.

RESTful and GraphQL support

Learning what is Strapi automatically generates customizable APIs based on the content models you create. It supports both REST and GraphQL, allowing developers to choose their preferred way to fetch and manipulate data, optimizing the performance and speed of applications.

Customizable content modeling

Strapi provides a user-friendly admin panel where developers can create and manage content types with a simple drag-and-drop interface. This feature allows for easy definition of custom fields and data types, adapting to the specific needs of any project.

Role-based access control (RBAC)

Exploring what is Strapi includes robust access control capabilities, enabling administrators to define roles and permissions in detail. This ensures that only authorized users can access specific functionalities, enhancing security and compliance.

Admin panel customization

The admin panel in Strapi is fully customizable. Developers can modify it to align with their project's workflow, ensuring content managers and editors have a seamless and efficient user experience tailored to their needs.

Plugins and community

Strapi supports a wide range of plugins that extend its functionality. The extensibility is nearly limitless, from SEO and internationalization to full-text search capabilities. Additionally, because it's open-source, Strapi benefits from a large community contributing to plugins, additional features, and support.

Internationalization (i18n)

Strapi supports multi-language content, allowing developers to manage localized content efficiently through the same API. Learning what is Strapi is particularly useful for applications that require content in multiple languages.


Read: The Road Ahead: Predicting Strapi CMS Future

When to Use Strapi 

Strapi is a versatile headless CMS well-suited for various use cases due to its flexibility, scalability, and rich features. Here are some critical scenarios where Strapi can be particularly beneficial:

Custom web applications

Strapi provides the backend CMS capabilities for developers building bespoke web applications while allowing the freedom to use any frontend technology. This flexibility is crucial for creating customized user experiences tailored to business needs.

E-commerce platforms

Learning what is Strapi can be the backend for e-commerce websites, managing product catalogs, descriptions, and media assets. It integrates well with other e-commerce tools and systems, facilitating robust, scalable online stores.

Blogs and digital publishing

Blogs, magazines, and other content-rich websites benefit from Strapi's efficient content management tools, support for multiple authors, and role-based access controls, making it easy to handle frequent updates and collaborative content creation.

Educational and training platforms

Strapi is ideal for managing educational content for online courses, training modules, and instructional media. It supports varied content types and user roles, enhancing content delivery and engagement.

Portfolio websites

Artists, designers, and photographers can explore what is Strapi to manage and present their work effectively. Its ability to handle diverse media types and its customizable API makes it a good choice for portfolio websites that require a visual focus.

Marketing websites

Learning what is Strapi supports marketing efforts by managing dynamic content for campaigns, landing pages, and promotional sites. Its quick content updates and integration with various marketing tools help create effective, data-driven marketing strategies.

Read: https://kapsys.io/user-experience/strapi-update-what-s-new

how to run strapi

Strapi for Small vs. Enterprise-Level Businesses

Exploring what is Strapi beyond its standard features involves considering how it impacts operational efficiency, innovation, and strategic flexibility in business environments. Here are some distinct advantages that Strapi offers to both small and enterprise-level businesses:

Strapi and small businesses

  • Rapid Prototyping: Learning what is Strapi allows small businesses to quickly prototype new ideas and concepts thanks to its instant API generation and easy content modeling. This enables them to test and iterate on digital products with minimal development time and expense.

  • Community Resources and Plugins: Small businesses can leverage an extensive array of plugins and a vibrant community for support, significantly reducing the learning curve and development time. Community-contributed templates and plugins often cover common use cases and functionalities that small businesses typically need.

  • Reduced Total Cost of Ownership: By exploring what is Strapi, small businesses minimize their total cost of ownership (TCO) not only through the absence of licensing fees but also via reduced server and infrastructure costs since Strapi can run efficiently on low-cost hardware.

Strapi for enterprise-level companies

  • Enhanced Content Governance: Strapi provides robust tools for content governance, which are essential for large organizations that manage vast amounts of content across multiple teams and departments. Its customizable workflows and approval processes help maintain content quality and compliance.

  • Decentralized Content Management: Enterprises can decentralize their content management by exploring what is Strapi, enabling different teams or departments to manage their content autonomously while using a unified system. This supports localized content strategies without compromising the overall content management architecture.

  • Future-Proof Technology: Strapi is built on a modern technology stack and adheres to API-first principles, making it future-proof and easily adaptable to upcoming technologies and trends in web development. This is crucial for enterprises looking to maintain a competitive edge.

Common benefits of Strapi

  • SEO Optimization: Learning what is Strapi helps manage SEO more effectively through customizable metadata, URLs, and rich media management, which can enhance search engine ranking and visibility for small and large businesses.

  • Data Ownership and Privacy: Unlike many proprietary CMS platforms, Strapi allows businesses to fully own and control their data without dependency on third-party servers. This can be particularly advantageous in complying with data protection regulations such as GDPR.

  • Agility and Adaptability: Both types of businesses benefit from Strapi's agile nature, allowing them to adapt their content strategies quickly in response to market changes or new user demands. This agility also enables faster adaptation to feedback and continuous improvement of digital offerings.

Read: How To Monetize Your Projects In Strapi CMS?

4 Easy Steps to Get Started with Strapi

To explore what is Strapi in action, you must install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) on your computer. Here's a simple guide on how to run Strapi:

Step 1: Installation

First, you need to create a new Strapi project. This can be done by running the following command in your terminal:

npx create-strapi-app my-project --quickstart

This command creates a new Strapi project named my-project and uses the --quickstart flag to automatically set up everything, including installing necessary dependencies and the SQLite database.

Step 2: The Strapi start command

Once the installation is complete, you can explore what is Strapi  further using Strapi start command:

cd my-project
npm run develop

This command launches the Strapi development server and opens the admin panel in your browser, typically accessible at http://localhost:1337/admin. You can start configuring your project, creating content types, and managing content from here.

Step 3: Creating content types

Creating content types is one of the first tasks in exploring what is Strapi. In the admin panel, navigate to the "Content-Types Builder" section. You can create new content types by specifying fields and data types, such as text, boolean, date, etc. Once your content types are set up, Strapi automatically generates API endpoints that can be used to fetch or manipulate data.

Step 4: Managing and delivering content

After setting up your content types, you can add content in the "Content Manager" section. Strapi provides a straightforward interface for managing content. Once the content is published, it can be accessed via the APIs generated by any client that can make HTTP requests, fitting seamlessly into your chosen front end.

Read: How To Scale Your Strapi CMS For Large Audiences

strapi headless cms


Learning what is Strapi redefines the flexibility and ease with which developers can manage and deliver content. Its headless nature, robust features, and strong community make it a compelling choice for modern web development projects.

By understanding the basics laid out in this introduction and utilizing the Strapi start command, you're well on your way to leveraging one of the most influential and versatile CMS platforms available today.

Whether you are building a blog, a complex web application, or an e-commerce site, exploring what is Strapi provides the tools to create a robust backend quickly, efficiently, and tailored to your needs. Dive into Strapi and explore the endless possibilities it offers for your next project.

Keep up with Kapsys as we explore the world of leading CMS!