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How To Optimize Your Strapi CMS: 10 Best Practises

March 13, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience
strapi cms

Content management systems (CMS) are crucial in efficiently creating and managing online content in today's digital landscape. Strapi CMS has emerged as a powerful and flexible option, allowing developers to build robust APIs and manage content seamlessly. However, like any other CMS, optimizing performance is essential to ensure smooth operation and an exceptional user experience. 

Join Kapsys as we explore Strapi and its key features and provide valuable tips for optimizing its performance.


What is Strapi?

Strapi is a Node.js-based CMS that allows developers to create and manage content through a customizable API. It offers a headless approach, separating the content management backend from the frontend presentation layer. This decoupling allows for greater flexibility and enables developers to use any frontend framework or platform of their choice, such as ReactVue.js, or Angular.

what is strapi

Key features

Here are some of the best functionalities of Strapi CMS  that you need to know about: 

  • Customizable Content Types: Developers can define their content structures using Strapi's intuitive content type builder, enabling them to tailor the CMS to their specific project requirements.

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Strapi provides robust user authentication and authorization mechanisms, allowing administrators to define roles and permissions to control content and features.

  • Extensible Plugin System: Developers can extend Strapi's functionality by installing plugins or creating custom plugins to add additional features or integrate with third-party services.

  • RESTful and GraphQL APIs: Strapi CMS automatically generates RESTful and GraphQL APIs for defined content types, providing flexible options for querying and manipulating data.

  • Database Agnostic: Strapi supports multiple databases, including MongoDBPostgreSQLSQLite, and MySQL, allowing developers to choose the most suitable database for their project.

Benefits of Using Strapi CMS 

Using Strapi CMS offers many benefits that cater to developers, content managers, and businesses' needs. Let's delve into the advantages of using Strapi:

Flexibility and customization

Strapi CMS offers a highly customizable content management solution, allowing developers to define content structures and APIs according to project needs. Its modular architecture facilitates easy extension through plugins and integrations.

Headless CMS approach

This CMS adopts a headless CMS approach, separating backend content management from front-end presentation. This enables flexibility in delivering content across various channels and platforms, with developers free to choose front-end technologies.

Ease of use

Strapi CMS  features an intuitive interface, making content management tasks accessible for non-technical users. Content editors can create, edit, and publish content effortlessly, resembling traditional CMS platforms.

Scalability and performance

This CMS is designed for scalability, with features like caching, optimized queries, and CDN support enhancing performance. This ensures fast and responsive content delivery, even under high-traffic conditions.

Developer productivity

Strapi CMS accelerates development with automatic API generation, content type builder, and role-based access control. Developers can focus on innovation without being hindered by repetitive tasks.

Security and compliance

This CMS prioritizes security, offering robust authentication, authorization, and data protection features. Administrators can define granular access controls to ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR.

Cost efficiency

Strapi eliminates licensing fees and vendor lock-in as an open-source solution, making it cost-effective. Organizations can leverage its flexibility and scalability without additional costs.

Community and ecosystem

Strapi CMS boasts a vibrant community of developers and users collaborating and contributing to its growth. The plugins, themes, and integrations ecosystem extends functionality for diverse use cases and industries.

Does Strapi CMS Fit Your Project? 

Whether Strapi CMS fits your project depends on various factors, including requirements, technical considerations, and business goals. Here are some everyday use cases where this CMS is well-suited:

Content-driven websites and blogs

Strapi is an ideal choice for websites and blogs focused on content management. It offers an intuitive interface and customizable content types for easy creation and publishing of various content.

E-commerce platforms

Strapi CMS powers the backend of e-commerce platforms, managing product catalogs and user-generated content. It seamlessly integrates with e-commerce frameworks while providing flexibility in content presentation.

Mobile applications

This CMS serves as a backend for mobile apps, offering scalable and secure APIs for data management. Developers leverage it to handle user accounts, store app data, and manage push notifications effectively.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Strapi supports PWAs by providing a headless CMS backend for fetching dynamic content and optimizing performance. Its APIs enable offline access and deliver seamless experiences across mobile devices.

IoT applications

Strapi CMS manages and processes device data in IoT applications. It allows developers to create APIs to communicate with IoT devices and securely store sensor data.

Multi-channel content distribution

This CMS facilitates content distribution across channels and platforms, ensuring consistency in content experiences. Its headless architecture allows adaptation to different platform requirements while maintaining content integrity.

Custom web applications

Strapi is versatile for building custom web applications like corporate websites or community forums. Its extensibility and customization options enable integration with existing systems and technologies to meet specific project needs.

Read: How Businesses Are Leveraging Strapi for Content Management

strapi headless cms

Tips for Optimizing Performance in Strapi CMS

While Strapi offers powerful features, optimizing performance is crucial to ensure a smooth and efficient experience for content editors and end-users. Here are some tips to help you maximize performance in Strapi CMS:

1. Caching strategies

Implement caching mechanisms to reduce database queries and improve response times. Strapi CMS  supports various caching strategies, including in-memory, database, and CDN. To minimize server load and enhance scalability, utilize caching at different levels, such as query results, API responses, and static assets.

2. Optimized database queries

Write efficient database queries to retrieve the necessary data and avoid unnecessary joins or complex operations. Use indexes to optimize query performance, especially for frequently accessed fields or relationships. Monitor database performance regularly and optimize queries as needed to maintain optimal performance.

3. Content delivery optimization

Optimize content delivery in Strapi CMS by leveraging CDN (Content Delivery Network) services to cache and distribute content closer to end-users, reducing latency and improving load times. Compress images and assets to minimize file sizes and optimize delivery speed. Implement lazy loading techniques to defer the loading of non-critical resources, improving page load performance.

4. Scaling strategies

Plan for scalability by deploying Strapi CMS  instances across multiple servers or containers to handle increased traffic and workload. Utilize load balancing and auto-scaling techniques to distribute incoming requests evenly and dynamically adjust resources based on demand. Monitor system metrics and performance indicators to identify bottlenecks and scale resources accordingly.

5. Code optimization

Optimize code performance in Strapi CMS by minimizing dependencies, reducing unnecessary computations, and implementing best practices for resource management. Profile and analyze code execution to identify performance hotspots and areas for optimization. Use tools like New RelicDatadog, or Chrome DevTools to measure and analyze application performance.

6. Cache invalidation

Implement cache invalidation strategies to ensure that cached data remains up-to-date and consistent with the underlying data source. Use cache invalidation techniques such as time-based expiration, event-based invalidation, or manual purging to invalidate stale cache entries and prevent data inconsistency.

7. Security considerations

Prioritize security by following best authentication, authorization, and data protection practices. Implement SSL/TLS encryption to secure data in transit and protect against man-in-the-middle attacks. Regularly update Strapi CMS and its dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities and ensure a secure environment.

8. Monitoring and logging

Set up monitoring and logging infrastructure to track system performance, detect anomalies, and troubleshoot issues proactively in Strapi CMS. Monitoring tools such as PrometheusGrafana, or ELK stack are used to monitor key metrics such as CPU usage, memory utilization, and request latency. Configure logging to capture relevant information for debugging and auditing purposes.

9. Content modeling optimization

Optimize content modeling to minimize redundancy and improve query performance in Strapi CMS. Design content types that balance granularity and denormalization, avoiding overly complex schemas that can impact query performance. Consider the access patterns and use cases when designing content models to ensure efficient data retrieval and manipulation.

10. Regular performance testing

Conduct regular performance testing to benchmark Strapi CMS performance, identify performance bottlenecks, and validate optimizations. Use tools like Apache JMeter or Gatling to simulate realistic load scenarios and measure system performance under various conditions. Analyze test results and iteratively optimize system components to achieve desired performance objectives.

Read: Successful Projects Built with Strapi



Optimizing performance in Strapi CMS is essential to ensure a seamless and efficient content management experience for administrators and end-users. 

By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can maximize the performance of your Strapi applications, improve scalability, and deliver high-quality content-driven experiences. 

Continuously monitor and fine-tune your Strapi deployments to maintain optimal performance and stay ahead of evolving performance requirements and user expectations.

Keep up with Kapsys to learn all about the Strapi CMS  and much more!