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Why Strapi CMS Is A Popular Choice For Developers

April 17, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience
strapi cms

Content management systems (CMS) play a crucial role in web development and content delivery in the fast-evolving digital landscape. Among the many options available today, Strapi CMS distinguishes itself as a front-runner with unique features and capabilities. 


Join Kapsys as we explore the key aspects that make Strapi a popular choice in the CMS market.


First of All, What is Strapi?

Strapi CMS is an open-source, headless platform designed to help developers build robust and customizable APIs quickly and easily without requiring extensive backend work. 


As a headless CMS, Strapi focuses solely on the backend or the administrative part of content management, leaving the front end, or the presentation layer, entirely up to the developers. This separation allows Strapi's content to be used in any context or platform that can consume APIs, such as websites, mobile apps, or IoT devices.


Read: What Is Strapi: Introduction Guide


what is strapi

Benefits of Using Strapi 

Strapi CMS offers many benefits specifically tailored for developers, enhancing their productivity and providing flexibility across various web and application development aspects. Here are some key benefits:

Rapid development

Strapi CMS accelerates the development process by providing a ready-to-use backend right out of the box. Its admin panel is intuitive and quick to set up, allowing developers to focus more on their projects' frontend and user experience aspects.

API flexibility

With built-in support for both RESTful and GraphQL APIs, Strapi CMS allows developers to choose how they interact with their data. This flexibility is beneficial for projects requiring a specific type of data delivery or those that may evolve to need different API capabilities over time.

Customization and extensibility

The open-source nature of Strapi CMS means it can be fully customized and extended to meet specific project needs. Developers can create custom plugins, modify existing ones, or integrate third-party services seamlessly.


Strapi's architecture is designed to support applications as they scale. Whether managing increased content loads or handling more traffic, Strapi can be scaled up to meet these demands without significant reconfigurations.

Developer control

Since Strapi CMS is self-hosted, developers have complete control over the hosting environment. This control extends to data security, system configurations, and overall application behavior, allowing for a tailored setup that meets specific security standards or performance benchmarks.

Efficient content management

Strapi's admin panel is easy for developers and content creators to set up. This dual focus on usability ensures that managing content is straightforward, which can significantly reduce the time and effort required for content operations.

Community support and resources

The Strapi CMS community is vibrant and continuously growing. Developers can access many resources, including plugins, tutorials, and community support. This environment promotes learning and collaboration, which can help solve problems faster and innovate more effectively.


Read: Strapi Update: What's New?

10 Ways Developers Can Use Strapi CMS

Strapi CMS, with its versatile architecture and wide array of features, offers numerous applications for developers across different types of projects. Here are ten ways developers can utilize Strapi in their development processes:

Web applications

Developers can use Strapi CMS to manage the backend of web applications. Its headless nature allows it to serve as a backend content repository that delivers content through APIs to any frontend technology stack like ReactAngular, or Vue.js.

Mobile applications

Strapi CMS can be the backend for mobile app development, handling authentication, data storage, and content management. Its API-first approach allows easy integration with mobile development frameworks such as React Native or native Android and iOS.

E-commerce sites

Strapi CMS can be integrated with e-commerce platforms to manage product listings, descriptions, customer reviews, and other content types. Its plugin system can also be extended to integrate with payment gateways and shipping APIs.

Blogs and publishing platforms

Developers can build blogging platforms or news websites where content is king. Strapi provides tools for managing articles, authors, and categories, making maintaining a dynamic content-driven site easy.


Read:How To Create A Blog With Strapi In 7 Practical Steps 

Educational platforms and learning management systems (LMS)

Strapi CMS can manage courses, lessons, user progress tracking, and certifications, offering a flexible solution for educational content that may need to be reused across various platform parts.

Portfolio websites

For personal or professional portfolios, Strapi CMS can manage multimedia content such as images, videos, and project descriptions, providing a dynamic way to showcase work through different frontends.

Multilingual websites

Strapi CMS supports multilingual content, perfect for developers creating websites that cater to a global audience with content in multiple languages.


Read: How To Scale Your Strapi CMS For Large Audiences

API development projects

Since Strapi CMS is API-centric, it's an excellent choice for projects focused on developing robust APIs for other applications to consume, such as mobile apps or web services.

Internal tools and dashboards

Thanks to its customizable admin panel and robust API, Strapi CMS can be used to create internal business tools for content management, inventory tracking, employee management, and more.

Event management platforms

Developers can use Strapi CMS to build systems for managing events, including registrations, schedules, speaker information, and session descriptions. Its flexible data modeling and easy content management make it ideal for such applications.


Each use case demonstrates Strapi's flexibility and capability as a backend system. By leveraging its headless architecture, robust API support, and extensive customization options, developers can craft tailored solutions that fit the specific needs of their projects or organizations.

how to run strapi

Additional Features to Know About

Strapi CMS has many features, some frequently highlighted, while others are less discussed but offer significant benefits to developers and content managers. Here are some of these lesser-known yet highly beneficial features of Strapi:

Dynamic zones

This feature allows developers to create flexible and reusable content structures that include various field types. Dynamic Zones are perfect for crafting complex layouts and pages that must vary in content and structure, such as customizable landing pages or varied blog post formats.

Single table inheritance

Strapi CMS supports Single Table Inheritance (STI), which allows different content types to share the same underlying database table. This can simplify the database schema and improve performance by avoiding unnecessary joins and queries.


Strapi can be configured to send webhooks in response to events within the CMS, such as creating, updating, or deleting content. This is extremely useful for integrating with other systems and triggering automated workflows, thereby enhancing the automation capabilities within the development ecosystem.

Customizable admin interface

While the default admin interface is powerful, Strapi CMS allows developers to customize and extend the admin panel. This customization can include adding new pages, modifying existing functionalities, or changing the look and feel, which is ideal for creating a tailored content management experience or branding.

Live preview

Strapi CMS offers a live preview feature that can be integrated into the platform. This allows content creators to see how their content will look on the front before it goes live. This is particularly useful when managing complex content structures or ensuring the visual representation matches expectations.

SEO friendly

Strapi CMS facilitates the management of SEO-related content, such as meta tagsslugs, and alt texts for images. This built-in support can be crucial for projects where search engine visibility is a priority.

Plugin development kit

For those who need more than the available plugins, Strapi CMS offers a Plugin Development Kit that makes it possible to develop new plugins. This kit includes APIs, documentation, and tools needed to create plugins that can extend or add new functionalities to the CMS.

Best Practises for Using Strapi

Using Strapi CMS effectively involves understanding its architecture and taking advantage of its features while adhering to best practices that enhance performance, security, and maintainability. Here are some recommended best practices for developers using Strapi:

Plan your content structure carefully

Before coding, plan your content types, relationships, and fields. A well-thought-out content model can save a lot of time and hassle later, especially as the complexity of your application grows.

Use environment variables

Keep your configurations in Strapi CMS flexible and secure by using environment variables for sensitive data like database credentials, API keys, and configuration settings that may change between development and production environments.

Leverage plugins wisely

Strapi's plugin system is robust, but using plugins judiciously is essential. Only install necessary plugins, preferably from trusted sources. Overusing plugins can lead to performance bottlenecks and potential security risks.

Implement caching

For read-heavy applications, implement caching strategies to reduce database load and improve response times. Caching can be implemented at the API level or using a reverse proxy like Nginx or a CDN if your content is static.

Regularly update Strapi

Keep your Strapi CMS installation updated to benefit from security patches, bug fixes, and new features. This also helps maintain compatibility with plugins and other dependencies.


Read: Top Content Management Predictions for 2024

strapi headless cms


Strapi's rise in popularity as a CMS can be attributed to its versatile and developer-friendly nature, combined with robust features that cater to the needs of modern web projects. 


From its open-source model that encourages innovation and customization to its efficient headless architecture, Strapi CMS  offers a comprehensive solution that empowers developers and content managers alike. 


As digital experiences continue to evolve, Strapi's flexible and scalable approach positions it as a preferred choice for those looking to build efficient, dynamic, and versatile digital solutions.


Keep up with Kapsys as we explore the world of leading CMS!