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How To Create A Blog With Strapi In 7 Practical Steps

April 2, 2024 by Daria Andrieieva
  • User Experience
create a blog with strapi

In today's digital age, creating a blog has become more accessible than ever before. Among the many options, Strapi is a powerful, flexible, headless CMS that empowers users to create and manage content effortlessly. This innovative platform offers a compelling choice for those looking to create a blog with Strapi.

Join Kapsys as we explore the steps required to create a blog with Strapi that caters to beginners and seasoned developers.


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What is Strapi?

Let's grasp the fundamentals before diving into the nitty-gritty of how to create a blog with Strapi.


Strapi is an open-source headless CMS (Content Management System) that empowers developers to build robust APIs quickly. Unlike traditional CMS platforms, Strapi operates in a headless architecture, separating the backend (content management) from the front end (presentation layer). This decoupling allows for greater flexibility and scalability in building websites, web applications, and other digital experiences.

What is strapi

Key features of Strapi 

Customizable Content Types: Strapi enables users to define custom content types, such as articles, blog posts, products, or events, with flexible fields and relationships.

  • RESTful and GraphQL APIs: It automatically generates RESTful and GraphQL APIs for content types, providing developers with options for querying and manipulating data.

  • User Authentication and Permissions: Strapi offers robust user authentication and permission management features, allowing administrators to define user roles and access levels.

  • Admin Panel: Strapi provides an intuitive admin panel for content management, enabling non-technical users to create, edit, and publish content without writing code.

  • Extensible Plugins: Developers can extend Strapi's functionality through a wide range of plugins and integrations available in the marketplace.

  • Database Agnostic: Strapi supports various databases, including MongoDBPostgreSQLMySQLSQLite, and others, offering flexibility in choosing the right database for your project.

  • Open Source: As an open-source platform, Strapi encourages community contributions and collaboration, making it continuously evolving and improving.

To create a blog with Strapi means utilizing a powerful, open-source headless CMS that simplifies content management while offering flexibility in design and development. Its extensibility makes it popular for building modern web projects across different industries.

Benefits of Building Your Blog Platform

Learning how to create a blog with Strapi offers several benefits, from customization and control to scalability and branding. Here are some of the key advantages:

Ownership and control

Exploring how to create a blog with Strapi gives you full ownership and control over your content and data. You're not at the mercy of a third-party platform's terms of service or policies, and you can decide how to monetize your blog without restrictions.


A custom-built blog platform allows you to create a unique and memorable brand identity. While exploring how to make a blog with Strapi, you can design a visually appealing interface that aligns with your brand colors, logo, and overall aesthetic, helping to strengthen brand recognition and credibility.

SEO optimization

Building your blog platform enables you to implement SEO best practices from the ground up. You can optimize site structure, metadata, URL structure, and other elements to improve search engine visibility and attract organic traffic to your blog.

Community building

A custom blog platform can facilitate community engagement and interaction through features like comments, forums, or social media integration. While exploring how to create a blog with Strapi, you can foster a sense of belonging among your audience and encourage user-generated content and discussions.

Monetization opportunities

With your blog platform, you can explore various monetization strategies, such as advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or selling digital products/services. You can experiment with different revenue streams and adapt your approach based on your audience and goals.

Read: How To Monetize Your Projects In Strapi CMS?

Preparing Your Environment

Before exploring how to create a blog with Strapi, ensure you have the necessary tools and environment. You'll need:

Once you have these prerequisites, you're ready to embark on your journey to create a blog with Strapi.

Read: A Quick Guide To Strapi Headless CMS

Here's How to Create a Blog With Strapi

Now, let's embark on the journey to create a blog with Strapi, from the initial setup to the final deployment, empowering you to bring your unique vision to life efficiently.

Step 1. Setting up Strapi

  • Installation: Start exploring how to create a blog with Strapi by installing Strapi CMS. Once Node.js is set up, you can install Strapi globally using npm or yarn:

npm install strapi@latest -g
# OR
yarn global add strapi@latest
  • Creating Your Strapi Project: After installation, create a new Strapi project by running:

strapi new my-blog --quickstart

Replace my-blog with the name of your project. The --quickstart flag will set up Strapi with an SQLite database, which is perfect for getting started quickly.

  • Accessing the Strapi Admin Panel: Once your project is set up, Strapi will launch its admin panel in your default browser. You'll create an admin account to manage your blog's content here.

Read: How To Build a Multi-Author Blog Platform With Next.js, Strapi, and Kontent.ai

Step 2: Designing your content structure

With Strapi, you model your content using Content Types. To create a blog with Strapi, you'll typically need at least two primary content types: Posts and Categories.

  • Creating a Post Content Type: In the Strapi admin panel, navigate to the "Content-Type Builder" and create a new content type named Post. Add fields that you'd need for a blog post, such as Title (text field), Content (rich text field), PublishedAt (date field), and any other fields like Excerpt, Cover Image, etc.

  • Creating a Category Content Type: Similarly, create a Category content type for organizing your posts. It might only need a single Name text field.

  • Setting Relations: Posts and Categories need to be linked. In your Post content type, add a relation field to the Category content type. This relationship can be a many-to-one link, meaning a post can have one category, but a category can have many posts.

Step 3: Adding content

With your content structure in place, it's time to populate your blog with content.

  • Creating Categories: Navigate to the Categories collection in the Strapi admin panel and create your blog's categories.


  • Creating Posts: Similarly, add new posts by navigating to the Posts collection and filling in the details for each blog post.

Read: Strapi Update: What's New?

strapi blog example

Step 4: Choosing your frontend

Exploring how to create a blog with Strapi doesn't dictate how you build your frontend. You can use traditional approaches with server-rendered pages or modern JAMstack architectures.

Step 5: Connecting Strap to your frontend

Regardless of your chosen technology, connecting to Strapi involves fetching data from its API endpoints. Strapi offers both REST and GraphQL APIs that are out of the box.

  • Fetching Data: Use HTTP requests (with fetch, axios, or any other library) to pull content from Strapi into your frontend application.


  • Displaying Content: Once you've fetched your content, use your frontend's templating system to display blog posts and categories on the web.

Step 6: Deploying your blog

Finally, when exploring how to create a blog with Strapi, you'll want to deploy your blog to make it accessible online.

Configure environment variables and API endpoints to connect your front end and back end in the production environment.

Step 7. Optimizing and securing your blog

After deploying your blog, the journey doesn't end. Ensuring your blog is optimized for performance and secured against potential threats is crucial for a smooth user experience and maintaining your audience's trust


Read: Using Strapi Ecommerce: Comprehensive Guide

Additional Best Practises for Building Blog With Strapi

When exploring how to create a blog with Strapi, in addition to the core steps mentioned earlier, you can follow several best practices to optimize performance, security, and maintainability. Here are some additional best practices to consider:

Optimize database structure

Design your database schema efficiently to minimize redundant data and optimize query performance. Normalize data where possible and use relationships judiciously to avoid data duplication and maintain data integrity.

Implement caching

When learning how to create a blog with Strapi, utilize caching mechanisms to reduce database queries and improve response times. Implement caching at various levels, including database queries, API responses, and content delivery, using solutions like Redis.

Secure API endpoints

Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure access to your API endpoints. Use JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for token-based authentication and define granular permissions to control user resource access.

Input validation and sanitization

Validate and sanitize user input to prevent security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, XSS (Cross-Site Scripting), and CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery). When exploring how to create a blog with Strapi, use validation libraries or middleware to enforce data integrity and protect against malicious input.

Error handling and logging

Implement robust error-handling mechanisms to handle exceptions and errors gracefully. Log error messages, stack traces, and relevant metadata to facilitate troubleshooting and debugging, helping to identify and resolve issues promptly.

Performance optimization

Optimize your Strapi application for performance by minimizing database queries, optimizing API endpoints, and implementing efficient data fetching strategies. When exploring how to create a blog with Strapi, use tools like query optimization, indexing, and database profiling to identify and address performance bottlenecks.


Read: How To Optimize Your Strapi CMS: 10 Best Practises

strapi blog tutorial


Learning how to create a blog with Strapi offers unparalleled flexibility and customization options. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a fully functional blog tailored to your specific requirements. Whether a beginner or an experienced developer, Strapi provides the tools to bring your blogging vision to life. 


So why wait? Start building your blog with Strapi today and unleash your creativity online!


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